國立臺灣師範大學政治學研究所吳忠吉黃城施昭顯許明華林秀娥2014-12-022014-12-022004/6-200http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/37197本研究之研究取向有兩個,一為職業團體之屬性,亦即是它的定位;另一為職業團體在公民社會中之角色,亦即是它的角色功能。研究對象為內政部所輔導之工商自由職業團體。研究目的包括: 1.探討目前職業團體相關法規採行強制入會,與提昇職業團體協調關係,增進共同利益,促進社會經濟建設功能間之相關性。 2.探討職業團體所能提供會員的服務功能有哪些?應如何加強職業團體功能及提高其成效?並探討職業團體定位為公法人之可行性。 3.探討近年來職業團體參與公共事務之情形。 4.探討職業團體在公民社會中所應扮演之角色及其實踐之方式。 本研究之成果,將提供給政府作為修正我國相關職業團體法規及政府輔導團體之參考。Vocational Associations:Study on Attributes and Roles in Civil Society. This study adopts two research approaches:one is the attributes or definitions of vocational associations. Another is vocational associations' role in civil society. Our research target is the Business Freelance Vocational Association, which receives counseling from the Ministry of the Interior. The research purposes include: 1.Current Laws on Vocational Associations adopts compulsory member enrollment. We aims to explore compulsory member enrollment, how it enhances vocational associations' coordinative relations, increases mutual interests, and fosters the relevancy between social economic constructional functions. 2.Explore what service functions vocational associations can provide to their members? How to strengthen the functions of vocational associations and enhance its effects. Discuss the feasibility of defining vocational associations as public corporations. 3.Explore how vocational associations participate in public affairs in recent years. 4.Explore vocational associations' role in civil society and the way to realize it. The result of this study will provide references to the government as to how to amend our Laws on Vocational Associations and how the government should provide counseling to these associations.公會組織公民社會公法人employer's organizationcivil societypublic corporation職業團體之屬性暨在公民社會中之角色研究Vocational Associations: Study on Attributes and Roles in Civil Society