劉元安Liu, Yuan-an楊帆Yang, Fan2019-08-282013-8-272019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0893060081%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87172本研究主要在實踐問題導向學習於餐旅教育的教學行動,目的在探討問題導向學習在「宴會管理」課程的教學中,教師進行問題導向學習的教學活動歷程與遭遇的困難以及相對應的策略,瞭解學生的學習認知與改變以及學生經過問題導向學習的成長與表現。 本研究經由十八週的課程設計,以研究者任教的四技四年級學生為對象,實施三個教學問題個案的研討與真實主題宴會的舉行。透過行動研究方法運用教學觀察記錄、省思日誌、小組單元學習單、教學錄影等研究工具蒐集資料,並進行二次學生深度訪談與收集二次學生反思心得,以及發放二次問卷的書面調查,不預設立場的心態呈現出十八週教學歷程的問題、反思與行動,以及有系統的整理學生對問題導向學習教學的認知以及學習的成長與影響。本研究主要的研究結果分為四個方向討論: 一、問題導向學習的教學歷程與反思:依時間順序歸納三個單元教學、校外教學活動以及主題宴會教學歷程的問題、反思與行動。 二、問題導向學習的教學問題與教師的轉變:針對進行問題導向學習的教學後,提出教學個案問題內容、學生討論衝突、學校行政影響以及教師角色扮演等四個議題檢討與反思。 三、學生小組學習認知與學習偏好:經過十八週的教學之後,學生的學習偏好由傳統教師為中心的學習轉變為以學生自我為中心的學習,顯示問題導向學習的教學方式提供教師一個可以讓學生從同學或同儕身上學習的環境與機會,將同學視為知識的來源,而不只是學習的夥伴而以,教師透過教案引導學生,讓學生願意自己去找出問題以及解決問題。 四、學生的學習影響與學習成長的呈現:從學生解決問題的歷程中發現,在面對不同情境的問題時,學生能夠決定需要的資訊、發展策略、執行與評估結果,有效地處理需要解決的問題。另外,團隊過程中成員之間互動也展現出包括:全班共同的目標與價值、人際關係與溝通的重要、認真扮演好自己的角色、成全大我的犧牲認同以及自我改變與彼此分享學習等團隊合作的認知與行為。 本研究根據分析的結果,對於未來的問題導向學習的教學進行與應用提出教學實務、學校行政與未來研究方面的建議,提供有興趣的教育工作者參考。The purpose of this study was to utilize an action research model to investigate the teaching experience of a problem-based learning (PBL) instructional approach in a catering management course and the learning process of students. This paper provides understanding about how PBL can be applied in the hospitality education. This course was designed following the principles of PBL. Within 18 weeks, three learning scenarios and one practicum of a theme party were conducted. The data collection for this study consisted of observations, field notes, interviews, journal entries, videotapes and surveys. Students completed an informational survey at both the beginning and the end of the semester in order to determine if there was a change in their perceptions of their learning preference after PBL intervention in this course. All data collected were transcribed and chronologically ordered to facilitate the finding of codes and themes. The study result was discussed in four specific aspects: A) the process in which the practitioner followed the outline of action research -planning, acting, reflecting- to conduct this course as well as the reflections B) the role played by the practitioner and problems arising in the process and the solutions C) students’ perceptions of PBL and the transformation of their learning preference from teacher-centered to student-centered D) students’ improvement in terms of problem-solving and teamwork after PBL intervention At the end of the dissertation, recommendations for improvements of the PBL instructional strategy regarding teaching pratices, school administration, and furtue reseach were provided by the practitioner.問題導向學習行動研究小組學習問題解決團隊合作Problem-based learningAction researchTeam learningProblem solvingTeam work問題導向學習在宴會管理課程教學之行動研究Problem-based Learning in a Catering Management Course: An Action Research Study