楊美華Mei-Hwa Yang2014-10-272014-10-271999-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/153341960年代以後,讀者服務由目錄櫃到OPAC、光碟網路、Webpac,而至網頁全文的 提供。館員的教育方面,也由參考資料到參考服務、線上資訊檢索、諮詢溝通至Internet、 資訊尋求行為和資訊心理等範疇。讀者服務的百變千貌,使得館員必須跋涉陡峭的學習曲線 ,經歷科技恐慌的夢魘。在這個十倍速的時代,什麼都要快,網路的蓬勃發展帶給館員無限 的生機,也使其概括承受了潘朵拉的盒子。本文由歷史的回顧談起,探討參考服務工作的理 論架構、資訊科技對參考服務的衝擊和新世紀參考館員的智能,最後說明網路時代參考館員 應有的教育與訓練。In the networked world, library patrons' need are urgent and more variety. What they want are the precise information without any delay. This paper tried to trace the historical development of reference services. Discuss the theoretical framework of reference services, the personality traits of reference librarians, and illustrate the impact of Internet upon readers' services, The competencies for the new age reference librarians and agreement of information services standards were emphasized. Suggestions were made for future improvements.參考服務參考館員Reference servicesReference librarian跨越2000年的參考館員教育The Education for Reference librarian in the New Millennium