陳佩英Chen, Pei-Ying呂欣怡Lu, Hsin-Yi2019-08-282018-02-232019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0505004205%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89579本研究旨在探討目前性別議題與分析性別平等教育概念。試從性別平等教育發展來建立三維的理論架構,並以議題為軸心分析三維面向中隱含的爭議概念與脈絡。第一維度為性別之權力面,從社會和文化的角度分析從姓氏生育、刻板印象以至於家務分工之概念,第二維度為性別之性/慾,探討愛滋病汙名化和同志汙名化議題,以及對性教育的概念分析,第三為維度是性別之認同,探討跨性別者以及整形和身體樣貌之議題。 研究方式以行動研究,先分析台灣師範大學之碩博士論文,針對性別之概念研究取向,以三維架構做分布圖並修訂,再以教師共備討論模式,帶入《扮家家遊》這套桌遊的性別教學。課程在國中八年級輔導課程試作後,挖掘英文相關之教學素材,引導學生以體驗的方式思考性/別,最後分享教材於線上社群。 研究結果如下: (一) 論文分析中,在第一維度廣而多,二、三維度少而深,研究中因文本會重疊,整合二三維度。英語領域第一維度傾向於幽默的語意理解,而非破除刻板,而文本的討論,較容易出現第二、三維度的題材。課程中,以人權角度帶入較為容易。 (二) 性別相關概念,以光譜的方式,區分性別概念爭議度,爭議度大者,宜引入客觀資料。 (三) 性別刻板過程中,其外圍概念包含身體侵犯、強弱美醜、男性照護迷思,而台灣跨國女性主義的討論,則包含了買賣式婚姻、婆媳議題與家暴。移除恐懼,才能回到人的本質。 (四) 第二維度性與慾,在校園性平事件處理中益發重要。課程中較難脫離課本提及。 (五) 輔導課程試行後,英語課程融入可使用於第三人稱與第一人稱練習中,使用他者與神入的概念。形容詞中比較級最高級的課程,可以帶入身體意象。This study aims to explore the current situation about gender and develop a framework of gender equity concepts. This study then established a three-dimensional theoretical framework of gender based on literature review of gender equity education, and displayed the context that caused the implicit controversy in the three-dimensional aspects. The first dimension is the power of gender. From the perspective of society and culture, childbearing, stereotyping and housework division are the issues. The second dimension is sex and sexuality, discussing AIDS stigma and homosexual stigma, as well as a conceptual analysis of sex discourse. The third dimension is the gender identification and the issue about transgender people, including how people reshape their body image. Statistics of thesis about gender studies in education field were used to revise the three dimensions of gender concepts. Research methods were action-based to capture the gender concept spectrum of teachers in high schools. The process involved the improvement of the teachers’ sensibility on gender issues by using board games, and built a teacher community through Facebook. By discussing controversy of both ideologies, the design of possible courses with high practicability in which gender is integrated into English instruction and teaching materials for future uses.性別性別刻板印象性別平等課程genderthe stereotype of gendergender-fair curriculum以遊戲帶入性別融入之教學設計A teaching design concerning gender with board game stimulation