劉美媛呂昌明2014-10-272014-10-272005-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17954本研究目的乃是應用跨理論模式,探討北縣某大學大一學生的吸菸行為,以瞭解大一學生的吸菸階段分期及不同吸菸階段與自我效能以及決策權衡的相關。以北縣某 大學之全體大一學生為對象,採隨機集束抽樣方法進行抽樣,最後取得有效樣本1216人。樣本平均年19.3歲,在吸菸階段的分類上有84.9%為無意圖嘗 試期、2.2%為意圖嘗試期、0.7%為準備嘗試期、4.4%為無意圖戒除期,1.4%別為意圖戒除期與準備戒除期,1.2%為戒除行動期,3.7%為戒 除維持期。在吸菸自我效能/誘惑、吸菸好處意兖及吸菸決策權衝方面,在無意圖試期的T分數最低,無著意圖/準備嘗試期而陸續增加,在無意圖戒除期時達到最 高,隨著意圖/準備戒除期、戒行動/維持而逐漸降低。在吸菸壞處同意度方面,呈現反向的線性關係。吸菸自我效能/誘惑及決策權衡在不同的吸菸階段皆有顯著 差異存在(p<.001),其解釋變異量從13%~51%。研究結果支持跨理論模式的有用性,並提供教育者作為發展不同吸菸階段介入以促進菸害防制 的參考。The purpose of this study was to assess the relationships of the stages of change with self-efficacy/temptation and decisional balance, and to examine the utility of the transtheoretical model in understand smoking behavior. A random clustered sample of 1216 freshmen was recruited from a college in Taipei county. The average age of the sample was 19.3 years. On the basis of participants, responses to the stage of smoking measure, 84.9% were in acquisition precontemplation, 2.2% in acquisition contemplation, .07% in acquisition preparation, 4.4% in cessation precontemplation, both 1.4% in cessation contemplation and cessation preparation, 1.2% in cessation action and 3.7% in cessation maintenance. Participants in acquisition precontemplaction scored the lowest and those in cessation precontemplation scored the highest on the self-efficacy/temptation, benefit and decisional balance indices, with the trend reversed on the cons (disadvantages) scale. Significant differences between stages were found for self-efficacy/temptation and decisional balance (p<.001), the proportion of variance accounted for these variables range from 13%~51%. These findings offer support for the transtheoretical model to apply in the antismoking programs, and implications for use of the findings by educator in developing stage-based interventions.跨理論模式吸菸行為大學生Transtheoretical modelSmoking behaviorCollege student探討大一學生的吸菸行為Application of the Transtheoretical Model to Smoking Behavior among Freshmen