陳龍安Chen Lung-An楊舒百YANG. SU PAI2019-08-282007-1-32019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093902002%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88831摘要 本研究旨在根據Novak(1984)的概念構圖學習模式編擬一套適合國小五年級學生的創造思考訓練課程,並經由九個單元(35堂課)的教學實驗後,探討此課程對增進國小學生創造力及語文科學習之成效。 本研究採不等組前後測準實驗設計,立意抽取桃園市中山國小五年級兩班學童為實驗組與控制組。實驗組實施以九個單元的「概念構圖教學實驗」,控制組則實施傳統教學,無實驗處理。本研究主要的研究工具為自編之「意見調查表」,以及吳靜吉(1998)修訂之「新編創造思考測驗」,所得資料以單因子共變數進行考驗。 根據研究結果,本研究主要發現如下: 一、實驗組在新編創造思考測驗之改變情形 (一)實驗組與控制組在「新編語文創造思考測驗」之「流暢力」、「變通力」達顯著差異,顯示實驗組在語文創造力之「流暢力」、「變通力」優於控制組。 (二)實驗組在「新編語文創造思考測驗」之「獨創力」的分數雖然高於控制組,但未達顯著差異。 (三)實驗組與控制組在「新編圖形創造思考測驗」之「流暢力」、「變通力」、「獨創力」達顯著差異,顯示實驗組在圖形創造力之「流暢力」、「變通力」、「獨創力」優於控制組。 (四)實驗組在「新編圖形創造思考測驗」之「精進力」的分數雖然高於控制組,但未達顯著差異。 因此,本訓練課程對國小學生創造力之訓練成效頗佳。 二、接受語文概念構圖教學方案的實驗組學生,在期末評量分數之進步效果,顯著優於控制組 三、在教學回饋問卷方面,此課程受到多數學生的肯定與喜愛。 研究者根據本研究結果,對概念構圖教學及未來研究提出具體建議,以資參考。Abstract This study is to design a creative thinking training course, based on Novak’s (1984) “Concept Mapping” learn model, for the fifth graders and to investigate the impacts on their creativity and linguistic learning results after they have nine training units (35 learning periods) . A nonequivalent pretes-posttest experimental design is employed. The samples are two fifth grade classes in Chung-Shan Elementary School. These two classes are assigned to the experimental and controlled groups. The experimental group attends the nine “Concept Mapping” instructions and the controlled group is taught by traditional teaching without any experimental methods. The tools for this study are a questionnaire designed by the researcher and “the New Creative Thinking Test” by Dr. Jing-Jyi Wu. The outcome is examined by one-way ANCOVA. The followings are the major findings of this study: 1.The results of the experimental group in the New Creative Thinking Test: (1) The scores of the experimental group in verbal fluency and flexibility are significantly higher than those of the controlled group in the Verbal Task of the New Creative Thinking Test. Namely, the experimental group’s creativity in the verbal fluency and flexibility is better than the controlled group’s. (2)The experimental group’s scores in the subentries of originality of the Verbal Task of the New Creative Thinking Test are better than the controlled group’s, but the difference is insignificant. (3) In the Figure Task of the New Creative Thinking Test, the experimental group’s scores in figure fluency, flexibility and originality are significantly higher than the controlled group’s. Namely, the experimental group’s creativity in the figuer fluency , flexibility and originality is better than the controlled group’s. (4) The experimental group’s scores in the subentries of elaboration of the Figure Task of the New Creative Thinking Test are better than the controlled group’s, but the difference is insignificant. Therefore, there are significant training effects on improving the experimental group’s creativity. According to the results in the final examination, the students in the experimental group progressed significantly better than those in the controlled group. The participants reported that they enjoyed the training course. Based on the findings, the researcher provides some suggestions on Concept Mapping instructions for further researches in this field.概念構圖創造力Concept mappingcreativity語文概念構圖教學方案對國小學生創造力及學習成效之影響The influnences on elementary school students’ creativity and linguistic learning results on Concept Mapping teaching plans