程玉秀Yuh-Show Cheng王植婷Chih-Ting Wang2019-09-032010-01-012019-09-032009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692210447%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97635本研究旨在檢視台灣英文主修的外語(英語)學習口語焦慮,完美主義,這兩個變項的關係,以及外語口語焦慮的來源。首先,以外語口語焦慮量表(FLSAS)和多向度完美主義量表(HMPS)來測量受試者的口語焦慮和完美主義程度。接著,以皮爾森積差相關分析法來檢測受試者口語焦慮及完美主義的相關性。最後,藉由和高完美主義和低完美主義的學生的訪談,得知他們口語焦慮的來源。 本研究分析結果如下:第一,受試者的口語焦慮程度呈現略偏低,而且並沒有明顯完美主義的傾向。第二,外語口語焦慮和完美主義這兩個變項,並沒有顯著的相關性 。第三,根據受試者訪談的內容,可把外語口語焦慮的來源歸類為以下三種類別:與自己相關的來源,與他人相關的來源,與課堂活動相關的來源。以與自己相關的焦慮來源而論,雖然高低完美主義的學生提出焦慮的來源有許多相似點,但只有高完美主義的學生認為個人的某些特質與背景是造成他們焦慮的來源;以與他人相關的焦慮來源而論,許多高低完美主義的學生皆認為把自己和他人比較是最主要焦慮的來源;以與課堂活動相關的焦慮來源而論,高低完美主義的學生的意見不盡相同。 最後,根據訪談的發現與結果,本研究提供外語教師具體之建議,期盼可以降低學生外語口語焦慮。This study sought to examine Taiwanese English majors’ foreign language (English) speaking anxiety, perfectionism, and the relationship between these two variables, as well as sources of foreign language speaking anxiety. Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS) and Hewitt multidimensional PerfectionismScale (HMPS) were used to assess the participants’ degree of speaking anxiety and perfectionism. Pearson Product Correlation Analysis was used to investigate the correlation between the participants’ speaking anxiety and perfectionism. Finally, an interview was conducted with high and low perfectionist students to learn about what caused foreign language speaking anxiety. The results can be summarized as follows. First, the students had a somewhat low level of foreign language speaking anxiety and they did not have a salient tendency toward perfectionism. Second, the correlation between foreign language speaking anxiety and overall perfectionism appeared insignificant. Third, the interviewees’ comments on the sources of foreign language speaking anxiety were categorized into three themes: self-related, other-related, and task-related sources. Although high and low perfectionist students were quite alike in their attributions of self-related sources of anxiety, several individual qualities and personal background were offered as self-related sources of anxiety only by high perfectionists. Comparison with others was a major theme in other-related sources discussed extensively by both high and low perfectionist groups. Task-related sources of speaking anxiety differed between high and low perfectionist students. Finally, based on findings of the study, some pedagogical implications are offered for the foreign language instructors, hoping to help alleviate students’ foreign language speaking anxiety.外語學習口語焦慮完美主義外語學習口語焦慮與完美主義:台灣英語學習者之研究Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety and Perfectionism A Study of English Learners in Taiwan