陳昭儀林秋萍Chao-Yi ChenChiu-Pig Lin2014-10-272014-10-272012-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13398本文整理了在臺灣實施良師引導方案的五篇實證研究,彙整與探析其實施目的、對象、方式和成效等,以供資優教育工作者未來推動此方案時之參考。在方案成效方面,在五篇研究中皆顯示,不論是良師、家長或學生均認為在良師引導方案的實施期間獲益不少:學生在各項學習之中獲得多方面的成長;良師感受到教學相長的效益,並獲得成就感;家長很感激良師給予孩子悉心的引導與協助,讓孩子能有多方面的學習及收穫。他們均認為良師引導方案值得繼續在資優教育領域中推廣。不過為因應臺灣教育環境的特色,在整體架構之下,良師引導方案的實施方式仍需視實施對象、區域以及資源等進行彈性調整。This article addresses five empirical studies of mentorship on gifted students in Taiwan. We compile and analysis the purpose, objects, methods and effects of the five studies for future gifted teachers ’reference. The outcome shows that both parents and students benefited greatly from the mentorship. Students learned much on various aspects, while parents were grateful for the mentors’ careful guidance and assistance. Even mentors themselves received useful feedback and find fulfillment from it. It is believed that the mentorship is worth popularizing in the field of gifted education. However in order to fulfill the diversity of the educational environment in Taiwan, the application of the mentorship needs flexible adjustments, case by case according to the different objects, areas and resources.良師引導方案資優生資優教育mentorshipgifted studentsgifted education資優生「良師引導方案」之實踐與應用Practice and Application of Mentorship on Gifted Students