郭靜姿Ching-Chih Kuo陳彥瑋Yen-Wei Chen2019-08-282006-2-142019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069109013%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91334中 文 摘 要 本研究以國小五、六美術班學生為研究對象,其目的在探討興趣、心流經驗與學習成就的關係。研究者以「學科興趣調查表」及「我的經驗記錄表」為主要研究工具,使用經驗取樣法(ESM)進行研究,共計有效樣本230人,有效問卷1372份,用以比較興趣、心流狀態及學習成就的關係。並選取30位學童進行訪談,以了解影響興趣及心流經驗的因素與心流經驗描述的一致性。問卷調查結果以因素分析、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關進行統計考驗,訪談所得資料則以質化的方式加以分析歸納。茲就本研究之重要研究結果說明如下: 一、 興趣影響美術學習時的主觀經驗感受 美術興趣組在「認知效能」、「情緒起伏」、「主動性」、「自尊」、「活動參與程度」、「活動重要性」、「控制感」的得分顯著高於非美術興趣組的受訪者,顯示美術興趣比其他興趣的受訪者的主觀經驗品質較佳。 二、興趣影響美術學習成就 美術興趣的受訪者「前一學期美術成績」與「單元美術成績」的得分顯著高於其他興趣組的受訪者。 三、興趣不影響參與美術學習時的經驗狀態 四、不同經驗狀態的主觀經驗感受不同 心流狀態為經驗感受的高點,而焦慮狀態經驗感受的低點。 五、不同經驗狀態的美術班學生在「前一學期美術成績」與「單元美術成績」得分沒有差異。 六、研究者分析影響美術興趣與心流經驗的因素大致包括:「早期的美術興趣」、「重要他人的影響」、「正式的美術訓練」、「就讀國小美術班的原因」、「就讀美術班前後的感覺差異」、「工作承諾」。 七、研究者分析受訪者美術心流經驗描述,大致與心流理論面向一致。The purpose of this research was to examine the relationships among interests, flow experience and learning achievement of fifth and sixth grader of the art talented class. “Personal Interests Inventory” and “Experience Sampling Form” are main research instruments, and the research is conducted by means of “Experience Sampling Method “(ESM). The effective sample numbers were 230 elementary students and. a total of 1372 effective questionnaire was collected. The data were used to compare the relationships among interests, flow state and learning achievements. Furthermore, 30 gifted students were interviewed in a bid to discover the consistency between the factors that influence interests and flow experience, and the description of flow experience. The result of the questionnaire were processed by “Factor Analysis”, ”Chi-square test”, “Independent t test”, “One-way ANOVA”, and “Pearson correlation” and the interview results were analyzed and generalized qualitatively. The important survey results are as following: 1. Interests will affect the subjective experience of art learning The students interested in art learning got higher scores on the subscales of “Cognitive efficiency”. “Affective tone”’ “ Activation, “Self-esteem”, “The involvement of activity”, “The importance of current activity”, and “The sense of control” than those interested in the other subjects, showing that the former had better quality of experience. 2. Interests will affect the learning achievement The art-interested students got higher scores in art class than those interested in the other subjects. 3. There was no significant difference between the interest and the channels of flow model. 4. Different flow channels will affect the quality of experience The art-talented students got the most positive feeling when they were in flow channel, and they exhibited strongest negative feeling in the region of anxiety channel. 5. There was no significant difference between the channels of flow model and the learning achievement. 6. Six possible factors could influenced the interest of art learning and the flow experience, including ”the early interest in art”, “the important person’s affect”, “formal art classes, “the reasons that select the art talented class of elementary school, ”the feeling of study in the art talented class, and “career engagement”. 7. According to the analysis, the interviewee’s descriptions of the flow experience were parallel to the flow theory.美術資優興趣心流經驗學習成就經驗取樣法art talented studentinterestflow experiencelearning achievementExperience Sampling MethodESM國小美術班學生興趣、心流經驗與學習成就之研究A research of relationships among interest, flow experience and learning achievement:Take art-talented class as an example