李新富蘇文清Lee, Shin-FuSu, Wen-Ching劉俐華Liu, Li-Hua2020-12-102014-8-122020-12-102014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0898600159%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115621行動閱讀的需求帶動數位漫畫的發展,新數位技術亦帶來體感互動、觸控互動等新型態的數位漫畫創作表現。研究者希望藉由本研究之案例分析、學理歸納、實作研究及創作驗證,提出創作數位漫畫的新途徑與創作研究見解。研究發現,受到漫畫、電影、動畫、遊戲及數位藝術等創作形式的影響,以及視覺、動態、互動、空間、聲音與媒介等跨媒介元素的加入,數位漫畫的創作已脫離平面性思維,進入結合時間與空間、平面與數位的多元敘事表現場域,並考驗創作者的平面圖像與數位技藝能力;數位科技也將漫畫的閱讀經驗,從原本的視覺圖像拓展至動態影音、體感及觸覺互動敘事認知,產生情境涉入與泛感官敘事的體驗。 本創作研究作品「擇」(Inbetween)為結合動態、聲音與互動效果的觸控式互動漫畫電子書,主要運用美國Madefire公司的技術進行創作與跨平台出版,作品可在平板電腦、智慧型手機及電腦等載具上播放,並透過手指觸控或滑鼠點擊進行互動瀏覽。創作驗證發現,「擇」作品借助動態與數位互動技術的表現,成功營造出紙本媒材無法呈現,且結合線性與非線性、時間與空間敘事特質的多重數位敘事結構。此外,漫畫從紙本轉移到數位媒介的過程,衍生出媒介轉碼現象,不僅改變紙本漫畫的符號與視框規則,也因結合數位敘事及豐富的互動性表現,產生戲劇張力、移情沈浸感、互動涉入敘事認知和數位敘事推力。數位漫畫能創造出傳統紙本漫畫無法表現的敘事型態,但也衍生創作同質化、想像力消弭、出版制約創作等的影響。其次,隨著數位漫畫表現的多元發展,創作門檻也被提高,創作者亦需精進圖像以外的數位技藝能力,保持關注並學習數位技術,善用數位媒介的力量持續發揚漫畫的多元價值。The growing popularity of the mobile market has driven the demand for digital comics. The evolution of digital technologies had also brought in new types of digital comics such as the embody comics and interactive comics by touch phone and tablet. The researcher has found out that digital comics have been inspired and nourished by comic art, film, animation, games, and digital art today. They are being developed into cross-media characteristics with comic illustration, motion graphics, interactivity, spatial and multimedia elements. Digital comics have freed itself from the flat space, and entered a new digital era with diverse performance and possibilities. The innovation of digital technology and media has turned the visual narrative experience into overall sensation with animation, sound effects, and interactivity. “Inbetween”, the digital comic work of this research, is created with an interactive and motion technology by Madefire company, and can be published and read on smart phone, tablet, and PC computer. Combining the linear, non-linear, timeline and spatial narrative with the help of interactive digital technology, “Inbetween” creates a hybrid and cross-media type of a new narrative form which is unachievable by paper medium. This project has also verified that with the aid of animation, motion, dynamic effects, and interactivity, the reading experience has dramatically improved and developed the feeling of empathy, and the pleasure of experiencing immersion and involvement. In addition, when comics are shifted from paper to digital media, they produce media transcoding phenomena such as combination of comic symbols, motion graphics, and dynamic canvas. With all the engaging and appealing elements gained from comic art, movie, animation, games, and digital art, digital comics have transformed into a whole new type of digital performance art, and are waiting for skillful creators to explore its value.數位漫畫互動漫畫漫畫電子書跨媒介敘事Digital comicsinteractive comicscomic e-bookscross-media narrative數位漫畫跨媒介敘事特質與表現形式創作研究—以觸控式互動漫畫「擇」電子書為例A Study of Cross-media Narrative and Form of Expression in Digital Comics ─ An Interactive Digital Comic "Inbetween" for Example