田秀蘭Hsiu-Lan Tien石麗君Li-Chun Shih2019-08-282008-01-012019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094012116%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90686本研究旨在瞭解女性專業工作者同時在面臨進修、工作以及家庭照顧三方面所產生之衝突與因應策略。參與研究的女性專業工作者共16名,遍及於實用、研究、藝術、社會、企業及文書等六種不同之職業興趣組型。研究方法係以半結構方式進行訪談,將內容轉錄為逐字稿,以紮根理論之方式編碼並分析後,歸納出後列四個重要發現:(1)女性專業工作者身兼進修、工作及家庭照顧三個角色時所產生之衝突,包括因記憶力衰退而影響課業學習、體力較難負荷多重角色之任務、與上司及同事的價值觀產生差異、婚後無法將心力放在原生家庭上、與先生在認知、金錢運用以及價值觀產生差異、無法盡如己意的克盡母職、因經濟壓力而帶來之心理衝突、因與公婆價值觀不同而衍生之心理衝突、因懷孕而帶來之身心衝擊及多重角色間之拉扯與失衡等; (2)女性專業工作者在職進修碩士學位時,獲得許多的社會支持,包括研究所師長、同學與好友的支持、職場環境的支持、原生家庭的支持、核心家庭的支持、公婆的支持、宗教寄託以及生涯貴人的支持等;(3)女性專業工作者在面臨進修、工作以及家庭照顧三個角色產生衝突時之因應策略包括,同時進修與工作發生衝突時選擇以工作為重、在職進修的事前規劃、經常運動或保養以維持體力、運用不同之方式解決課業問題、轉念並調整為人處事的心態、尋求支援及想辦法增加與孩子間的互動等;以及(4)女性專業工作者在職進修碩士學位的生涯經驗與轉變,經整理歸納後略分為:在職進修的動機與原因、在職進修的收穫與影響以及在職進修的省思三個部分討論。 最後針對上述主題之相關現象加以討論,並將重要研究結果提出具體結論與建議。The purpose of the study was to explore the female workers’ triangular role conflict and adaptation family, job, and in-service study for female workers. Participants were sixteen among female workers from different occupations Semi-structured interviews were conducted and transcribed. The grounded theory method was applied to analyze the data. The major research findings were: 1. The content of the triangular role conflicts for career female included child rearing problem, not be energetic enough because of age, difference of value judgments between family members or colleagues, unable to take care of original family after getting married, physical and mental influence of pregnancy, memory problems, psychological conflicts between earnings and in-service study. 2. The main course of adaptation for the triangular role conflicts was to seek support from different sources such as classmates, teachers, friends, working environment, original family, nuclear family, parents-in-law , and religious belief. The more support the female received from the husband, the stronger effect she could adapt to the conflicts. In addition, showing understanding and assistance from the colleagues could also be helpful to smooth the conflict. 3. The strategy of adaptation for the triangular role conflicts include: (1) Put work in the higher priority while conflicts happened; (2) Preschedule the in-service study plan; (3) Do exercise regularly in order to maintain a good health; (4) Solve the problems by using different ways of various aspects; (5) Change the attitudes you treat people or deal with things; (6) Seek more assistance; and (7) Try to increase the interaction with children. These findings were then discussed in terms of (1) Motivations for in-service study; (2) Gains and effects after in-service study; and (3) Advantages and disadvantages of in-service study. The conclusions and implications were made based on the findings. Further research suggestions were also provided.角色衝突因應策略社會支持女性生涯發展Role ConflictThe Strategy of AdaptationSocial SupportFemale Career女性專業工作者在進修、工作與家庭角色衝突與因應策略分析之研究