國立臺灣師範大學復健諮商研究所吳亭芳陳明聰邱崇懿王華沛2014-10-302014-10-302007-12-011561-3798http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34853本文旨在調查國小腦性麻痺學生電腦與網際網路使用現況及輔具的需求,研究者利用自編問卷,訪問47位腦性麻痺學生家長,結果發現腦性麻痺學生使用電腦以及網際網路的時間並不多,而電腦輔具的使用的確可以改善他們在鍵盤、滑鼠、電腦基本操作以及基本軟體操作的困難。此外,腦性麻痺學生家長普遍認為應建立完善的評估與服務系統、增加電腦輔具相關的補助、提昇輔具專業人員的知能並加強電腦輔具相關知識的宣導。The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status in computer access and the use of assistive devices of school-aged children with cerebral palsy. 47 parents of children with cerebral palsy participated in this study. The results indicated that children with cerebral palsy spent fewer time in using computer and accessing internet. Keyboard and mouse operation skills did improve when providing access devices. However, the shortage of assistive technology funding, the insufficient of health profession, and the lack of knowledge of assistive technology were main barriers in providing high quality service to children with cerebral palsy.腦性麻痺學生  網際網路  電腦輔具  輔具需求hildren with cerebral palsy�nternet�access devices�pecial needs of assistive technology國小腦性麻痺學生電腦使用現況及相關輔具需求調查A Survey of Current Status in Computer Access and the Needs of Assistive Technology for School-Aged Children with Cerebral Palsy