陳美勇鍾秉剛Mei-Yung ChenBing-Gang Jhong2016-05-062016-05-062015-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78339隨著國際因素與全球化衝擊,產業轉型勢在必行,各國紛紛提出產業戰略應對方案,臺灣要在國際上維持競爭力也應有所變化。本篇針對臺灣近年來智慧型機器人的發展情況進行概述,包括目前臺灣從事機器人相關研究之人力分析、目前臺灣具備的人才堵育計畫與競賽、產業發展情況以及發展優勢與機會等面向進行討論,期望能讓讀者能夠初步了解臺灣在智慧型機器人相關產業的發展與所面臨問題,以及思考未來臺灣將如何調整發展的步伐以跟隨世界的相關產業發展趨勢。As the international factors and the impact of globalization, industrial transformation is imperative to maintain the competitiveness of Taiwan in the international. This paper introduces the development of intelligent robot in Taiwan in recent years, which includes manpower analysis for engaged in robot research, personnel training plan and competition, industry development, advantages and opportunities. We hope this paper can help the reader to obtain a preliminary understanding the development of intelligent robots and the facing problems of related industries, and thinking of the future of Taiwan will be how to adjust the ace of development in order to follow the world trend of development of related industries.智慧型機器人工業4.0工業製造Intelligent RobotIndustry 4.0Industrial Manufacturing工業4.0計畫中智慧型機器人發展之趨勢The Trend of Intelligent Robot Development in Industry 4.0