國立臺灣師範大學大眾傳播研究所毛利嘉孝著高子航周昱伶莊幃婷譯胡綺珍校正2014-12-022014-12-022009-10-011016-1007http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38010本文檢視了在後福特主義下發展的J-pop(日本流行音樂),以及其過去20年來意識型態的形成。J-pop是在80年代後期由一個調頻廣播電台發明作為一個流行時尚的次類型 (subgenre),其範疇在90年代逐漸擴展,幾乎涵蓋了所有針對日本年輕人的音樂類型。然而,由於持續的經濟衰退,數位技術的發展和年輕人生活方式的轉變,唱片業在2000年左右面臨嚴重的危機。本文藉由聚焦國族主義情緒和創意的想法,探索J-pop的成功和日本飛特族(freeter,年輕的兼職勞動者)文化之間意識型態的形成,並試圖找出一個新的方式取回DiY(Do it Yourself,自我創作)音樂文化中的「創意」。The paper examines the development of J-pop under the post-Fordist condition and its ideological formation over the last two decades. J-pop, invented as a fashionable sub-genre by a FM radio station in the late 1980s, expanded its category throughout the 1990s and covers virtually all musical genres for young people in Japan. However, due to the lasting economic recession, the development of digital technology and the transformation of young people’s lifestyle, the record industry faced a serious crisis during the 2000s. The paper explores ideological formations between the success of J-pop and the emergence of freeters (young part-time workers) culture in Japan, by focusing on their nationalist sentiment and the idea of creativity, and tries to find a new way of reclaiming creativity in DiY (Do it Yourself) music culture today.J-pop日本流行音樂飛特族後福特主義國族主義創意DiY文化FreeterPost-FordismNationalismCreativityDiY cultureJ-pop從創意的意識型態到DiY的音樂文化From the Ideology of Creativity to DiY music culture