田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan Shelley曾浩怡Tseng, Hao-Yi2023-12-082023-07-132023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/010522593a77c6f9296769b55e705a2c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119551本研究主旨在探討國中教師工作壓力、恆毅力與主觀幸福感之間的關係,並驗證恆毅力在工作壓力及主觀幸福感之間所扮演的中介角色。研究以全臺灣的國中教師為研究對象,合計310名,採用「國中小教師工作壓力量表」 、 「簡短版中文恆毅力量表(Grit-S)」及「簡式中小學中小教師主觀幸福感量表」為研究工具,透過網路問卷的方式進行施測,再依據所得資料以SPSS進行描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析等處理與分析,並以四步驟法的中介檢驗恆毅力的中介效果。研究分析結果如下:1. 國中教師的工作壓力為中間程度、恆毅力表現為中上程度、整體主觀幸福感為中上程度。 2. 不同性別、教學年資、任教領域及兼任職務的國中教師在工作壓力上具有顯著差異。 3. 不同兼任職務的國中教師於主觀幸福感具有顯著差異。 4. 國中教師的工作壓力對於恆毅力及主觀幸福感具有顯著負向的預測力。 5. 國中教師的恆毅力對於主觀幸福感有顯著正向的預測力。 6. 恆毅力在國中教師壓力與主觀幸福感之間,具有部分中介效果。This research aimed to explore the relationship between work stress, grit, and subjective well-being of junior high school teachers. Also, to verify the mediating role of grit between work stress and subjective well-being. Using the “Junior High School Teachers' Work Stress Scale,” “Short Chinese Grit Scale (Grit-S),” and “Simplified Primary and Secondary School Teachers' Subjective Well-being Sensibility Scale” as research tools. This research conducted through online questionnaires. The obtained data was analysed by SPSS, descriptive statistics, t-Test, single-factor variance analysis, pearson product difference correlation analysis. The mediation effect of grit was tested by the mediation of the four-step method. The results of this research were as follows: The work pressure of junior high school teachers was in the middle level, the performance of grit was above the middle level, and the overall subjective well-being was above the middle level. There were significant differences in work stress among junior high school teachers with different genders, teaching years, teaching fields and concurrent positions. There were significant differences in subjective well-being among junior high school teachers with different positions. The work stress of junior high school teachers has a significant negative predictive power on grit and subjective well-being. The grit of junior high school teachers has a significant positive predictive power on subjective well-being. Grit has a partial mediating effect between junior high school teachers' pressure and subjective well-being.國中教師工作壓力恆毅力主觀幸福感junior high school teacherwork stressgritsubjective well-being國中教師工作壓力、恆毅力與主觀幸福感之研究A Study on Work Stress, Grit and Subjective Well-Being of Junior High School Teachersetd