蘇淑娟Su, Shew-Jiuan劉閎逸Liu, Hong-Yi2022-06-082022-02-112022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1e2942cac8d8d4783770e6d09546b290/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117824高雄市田寮區位處乾溼季分明的氣候環境,長達半年的乾旱加上以「泥岩」惡地為主體的地質條件形成獨特的缺水環境。然而境內存在多處密集的養殖魚塭生產地景,卻與缺水環境產生極為衝突的人為利用行為。什麼動機促使看似衝突的行為決策發生,係本研究的核心發問。 本研究以環境景觀為分析客體,以探究水塘地景的演變脈絡為途徑,透過空間資料求取與資訊分析為基礎,搭配質性研究的文獻收集、半結構式訪談與現地勘察等方法,以三角檢證法比對資料的信度與效度,依此分析水塘的空間分佈特性與型態、探究水塘運作的方式與功能變遷以及梳理影響水塘發展的社會經濟背景,尋找影響本地環境景觀變化的人類社會結構因素。 田寮本地水塘分佈多位於海拔30公尺至50公尺區間,超過九成鄰近河道發展,且河道源頭溝谷多有築壩式水塘依地勢高低接鄰。受土地使用分區管制影響,水塘數量有緊鄰國有林地界線分佈的趨勢,其中魚塭養殖池多分佈在境內少有的溝谷平地,大面積水塘則屬國有林地範圍內構築之防砂壩設施所形成。現存水塘運作功能有四類:果園灌溉、畜牧經營、水產養殖、防砂工程。 日治以來,以水土保持與水源涵養為目標的政策,使得田寮民間土地利用行為持續受到官方對水資源開發與管制之影響;在先天自然環境惡劣,後天法規制約的結構困境中,田寮住民為求生存,多有占用國有林地與違背法規核准之土地利用項目之行為;促使生產行為改變的誘因,來自於外界市場需求的轉變與技術變革。其中臺灣總體社會始於1970年代的經濟快速成長期與1990年代後期引爆的豬隻口蹄疫,是促使田寮內部生產行為改變的關鍵時期,水塘地景的轉變則具體呈現出社會行動的結果。The Tianliao District of Kaohsiung City is located in a climate environment with distinct dry seasons. The six-month drought and the geological conditions dominated by"mudstone" badlands form a unique water-deficient environment. However, there are many intensive fish farms in the territory, but the human use behaviors are extremely conflicting with the water-scarce environment. What motivates seemingly conflicting behavioral decisions is the central question of this study. This research takes the environmental landscape as the object of analysis, explores the evolution of the pond landscape as the way, through the acquisition of spatial data and information analysis as the basis, with the methods of qualitative research literature collection, semi-structured interviews and field surveys, etc. The reliability and validity of the data are compared by the triangulation verification method. Based on the data, to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics and patterns of ponds, to explore how ponds operate and how their functions change, and sort out the socio-economic background that affects the development of ponds, and look for the structural factors of human society that influence changes in the local environmental landscape. Most of the local ponds are located in the range of 30 meters to 50 meters above sea level, more than 90% of which are developed adjacent to river channels, and most of the valleys at the source of the river are adjacent to dam-type ponds according to the terrain. Affected by land use zoning control, the number of ponds tends to be close to the boundary of state-owned forest land. Among them, fish farms are mostly distributed in valleys with flat land, which are rare in the territory, whilelarge-area ponds belong to sand control dam facilities constructed within the scope of state-owned forest land. The existing ponds have four operational functions: orchard irrigation, animal husbandry management, aquaculture, and sand control engineering. Since the Japanese occupation, policies aimed at soil and water conservation have made Tianliao land use behaviors continue to be influenced by the government’s water resources development and control; In order to survive, residents often occupy state-owned forest land and violate laws and regulations for land use projects; the incentives to change production behaviors come from changes in external market demand and technological changes. Among them, the rapid economic growth period of Taiwan's general society that began in the 1970s and the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in pigs in the late 1990s were the key periods that made changes in production behavior in Tianliao.惡地生產地景農塘水塘國有林地badlandproduction landscapefarm pondwater pondstate-owned forest land惡地裡的生存機制─以高雄田寮泥岩區的水資源利用變遷為例Living in Badland : Changing Use of Water Resource in Tienliao Mudstone Area, Kaohsiung學術論文