李琪明Lee, Chi-Ming高育萱Kao, Yu-Hsuan2019-08-282011-8-302019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694070190%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88572面對社會的快速變遷及終身學習社會之漸受重視,社區大學在成為台灣成人學習的重要場域之際,教師的教學品質與實務逐受關注;其次,成人教師於教學過程中對於學習者的學習扮演重要之角色,因而本研究欲對社區大學教師之對學習者及公共領域的教學關懷方式與省思進行探究與理解。最後,則提出本研究之建議。 本研究主以質性研究之深度訪談並輔以教室觀察方式,且根據研究主題以立意抽樣,選取三位台北市內長期熱忱參與校務及具關心學習者特質之社區大學教師為研究對象。探究三位受訪教師其對學習者之具體關懷方式採取方式為:(一)易地而處與學習者;(二)尊重及接納學習者意見;(三)回應學習者的學習需求;(四)適時關切學習困難者;(五)扮演傾聽者的角色;(六)經營信賴與密切互動的師生關係;(七)關心學習者之學習成長;(八)肯定與欣賞學習者。 其次,教師對公共領域之教學關懷重視方向為(一)學習對多元社會群體或現象之尊重及理解;(二)開展對不同社會議題之關注及對話;(三)以社區在地之觀點建構其教學及課程;(四)由社區的關懷或服務中體會個人對社會的發展的重要性。 最後根據本研究之發現與結論,建議社區大學教師於關懷學習者之際,於教學活動安排中可更尊重其學習意願及能力;並對年長之學習者付諸更多耐心與傾聽其學習需求。The purpose of the study is to explore teachers of community colleges in Taipei how they caring-teaching and reflect on caring about public sphere with students, understand how to care for learners. Otherwise, the study another aims are to explore three teachers whose tasks of their teaching and responsibility on deploy of learners can care about public sphere and reflecting on the process. Qualitative research that includes in-depth interview and observation is chosen as the main study method. A purposive sample of three caring teachers of community colleges who get along well with learners in Taipei are selected and deploy the in-depth interviews is used here according to the thesis. Based on the results, some conclusions and findings could be obtained as follows: (1) Teachers feel empathy and sympathy is very important. (2) Respect and accept opinion of learners. (3) Concern and response on the needs of learners. (4) Caring for learners immediately. (5) Teachers are also listener. (6) Creating closer relationship with learners. (7) Caring about the progress of learners. (8) Confirm and appreciate learners. According to above conclusions and findings, provide proper suggestions for teachers who face adult learners, and these suggestions listed above are as the references for the follow-up researches.社區大學社區大學教師關懷倫理教學關懷公共領域community collegesteachers of community collegesethic of carecaring teachingpublic sphere探尋社區大學教師之教學與公共領域關懷圖像