邱瓊慧朱思翰2019-08-292018-4-262019-08-292013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698080193%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93067本研究旨在分別探討高、低先備知識的國小高年級學生於資訊課以小組進行分享式數位筆記活動,其小組的組成方式和使用的複習策略對於立即、綜合學習成效和學習態度的預測能力,並檢驗學生的筆記品質是否為一有效的中介變項。本研究由台南市某國小六年級中的四個班級,共120位學生參與,首先依照學生資訊課測驗的成績將學生分成高或低先備知識群,並以班級為單位進行實驗教學活動。學生於此實驗教學活動中,以同性別且隨機的方式兩人一組,學生在上課的過程中以小組進行分享式數位筆記活動,記下自己的筆記,接著以一般的閱讀方式或提問策略來複習筆記。整個教學活動共歷時四週,學生於每周一節40分鐘的資訊課進行。本研究並蒐集學生在課堂上記下的筆記、在課後的立即和綜合測驗成績,與其對資訊課的學習態度。經簡單相關與路徑分析後發現,高先備知識學生若是在同質組(先備知識相同),能有較好的立即學習成效;其筆記品質也能直接預測其立即學習成效;其立即學習成效也能直接預測其綜合學習成效。低先備知識學生若是在異質組(先備知識相異),能產出較佳的筆記品質;若使用提問複習策略,能有較好的立即學習成效,但對資訊課的學習態度則會較差;其立即學習成效也能直接預測其綜合學習成效。而不論是高或低先備知識學生,其筆記品質都不是一個有效的中介變項。The purpose of this study was to investigate respectively 6th-grade students with high or low prior knowledge who participate a shared electronic note-taking activity in computer class, the predictive ability of students’ group composition and strategy of reviewing note on immediate learning gains, comprehensive learning gains and attitudes toward computer class, and test the mediated effect of note’s quality. One hundred and twenty 6th-grade students in Tainan city participated in this study. Students were randomly assigned to dyads and participate a shared electronic note-taking activity in computer class for four weeks(40 minutes per week). The results indicated that, students with high prior knowledge in homogenous group have much immediate learning gains; the quality of notes have exerted a significantly direct effect on immediate learning gains; immediate learning gains also have exerted a significantly direct effect on comprehensive learning gains. And students with low prior knowledge in heterogeneous group have better quality of notes; review notes by self-questioning have much immediate learning gains but have less attitudes toward computer class; immediate learning gains also have exerted a significantly direct effect on comprehensive learning gains. However, the quality of notes does not have mediating effect for all students.先備知識分享式數位筆記異質分組提問策略筆記品質prior knowledgeshared electronic note-takingheterogeneous groupingself-questioningthe quality of note不同先備知識小學學生於資訊課進行分享式數位筆記活動之路徑分析研究A Path Analysis of Elementary Students with Different Prior Knowledge Implementing Shared Electronic Note-taking Activity in Computer Class