林伯修Lin, Po-Hsiu尤敦弘Yu, Tun-Hung2019-09-052018-07-012019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0698300309%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105077近年來由於媒體廣告費用昂貴,因而促成了贊助活動的成長。故本研究目的在探究運動品牌參與臺灣職棒球員贊助活動時之動機、考量因素及合作方式。研究採質性研究半結構式的深度訪談,訪問六位臺美日運動品牌參與臺灣職棒球員贊助之決策人員。其研究結果發現:一、藉轉播而增加媒體曝光進而增加產品銷售機會與提升企業形象。二、選擇贊助對象時,優異成績及言行舉止也是考量的要素,但效益評估上則感到困難。三、經紀人推薦是最常見的管道,除了契約選手之外,也有默契上的配合。結論:棒球為國內最熱門的職業運動之一,藉由贊助提高品牌知名度及產品銷售率,以及球員優異的表現讓消費者直接產生如是的聯想。效益評估雖感到困難,但贊助的商品及所販售的商品擁有一致性的話,是擁有效益評估的價值。本研究建議如下:一、若是能夠將美日棒球運動品牌該產地國參於贊助活動決策人員納入訪談中,更能分析出美日品牌對於贊助活動決策過程之差異,以期提供國內品牌參考。二、若能將贊助的球員也納入訪談中,藉不同的立場進而做比較,更能讓廠商及球員瞭解彼此思考及決策的模式,以期維持更長久的關係。In recent years, due to the high cost of media advertising, which led to the growth of sponsorship activities. The purpose of this study to explore the motivation of Taiwan sports brand participate in sponsorship activities. Also their considerations and ways of cooperation. This research is a semi-structured qualitative interviews. By visiting six interviewees of Taiwan, U.S. and Japan sports brand sponsorship. The Research found That: First, by the broadcast and media exposure, it increases the awareness and sales opportunities. Also enhance the corporate image. Second, the choice of sponsorship besides having excellent results, their outside demeanor is also a consideration. But it was difficult to assess the effectiveness. Third, the broker’s recommendation is the most common pipeline. Beside the contract players, they also know how to work with the players. The conclusion is:. Baseball is one of the most popular professional sports in Taiwan. We hope to increase brand awareness by sponsoring and product sales rate. Customers may want to purchases more equipements by the use of the players and their excellent performance. Although it’s difficult to assess the benefit, the sponsor of goods and the goods sold have consistency, then, it still has the value to assess. This study recommends the following. We can include interviews of the decision-makers from the U.S. and Japan to analyze the differences between American and Japanese brands for sponsorship of the decision-making process. This can provide reference to domestic brands. Second, in order to maintain a long-term relationship, we can have players in the sponsorship interviews. By comparing the different positions, and the manufacturers and the players can know each other better.運動贊助運動行銷臺灣職棒球員Sport SponsorshipSports MarketingTaiwan Baseball Player臺美日運動品牌贊助臺灣職棒球員之研究A Study of Taiwanese,American and Japanese Sports Brand sponsor Professional Baseball Players in Taiwan