潘裕豐楊純雅2019-08-282009-7-222019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096902103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88888本研究係運用心智圖法的規則與步驟,設計一套適合國小五年級學童之「國小社會學習領域心智圖教學方案」,共有三單元,探討其對國小學生創造力、問題解決與學業成就之影響,最後根據學生所填寫之「心智圖學習回饋單」以瞭解學生對本教學課程之喜好程度。 本研究設計採不等組的前後測「準實驗研究法」,以台北縣某國小五年級兩班學童,實驗組進行「國小社會領域心智圖教學方案」,控制組則進行「一般教學」,未進行「國小社會領域心智圖教學方案」,進行七週,每週三節課,共計二十一節。 本研究採用研究工具為李乙明(2006)修訂的「陶倫斯創造性思考測驗圖形版」、詹秀美、吳武典(2007)編製的「新編問題解決測驗」以及「社會科學業成就測驗」,所得資料以單因子共變數分析進行考驗。 根據研究結果,本研究主要發現如下: 壹、對學生創造力之影響 本研究經實驗教學過程的觀察與資料分析,實驗組在「陶倫斯創造思考測驗」之研究結論如下: 一、實驗組學生在「陶倫斯創造思考測驗」的「流暢力」分數顯著優於對照組學生,並達顯著差異。 二、實驗組學生在「陶倫斯創造思考測驗」的「獨創力」分數顯著優於對照組學生,並達顯著差異。 三、實驗組學生在「陶倫斯創造思考測驗」的「標題」分數並未顯著優於對照組學生。 四、實驗組學生在「陶倫斯創造思考測驗」的「精密力」分數並未顯著優於對照組學生。 五、實驗組學生在「陶倫斯創造思考測驗」的「開放力」分數顯著優於對照組學生,並達顯著差異。 貳、對學生問題解決能力之影響 本研究經實驗教學過程的觀察與資料分析,實驗組在「新編問題解決測驗」之研究結論如下: 一、實驗組學生在「新編問題解決測驗」的「解決方法」顯著優於對照組學生,並達顯著差異。 二、實驗組學生在「新編問題解決測驗」的「界定原因」顯著優於對照組學生,並達顯著差異。 三、實驗組學生在「新編問題解決測驗」的「預防問題」顯著優於對照組學生,並達顯著差異。 四、實驗組學生在「新編問題解決測驗」的「變通性」顯著優於對照組學生,並達顯著差異。 五、實驗組學生在「新編問題解決測驗」的「有效性」顯著優於對照組學生,並達顯著差異。 六、實驗組學生在「新編問題解決測驗」的「全測驗」顯著優於對照組學生,並達顯著差異。 參、對學生社會科學業成就之影響 實驗組在經實驗教學後,二組受試在「社會科學業成就」的表現達顯著差異,顯示國小社會學習領域心智圖教學方案對學生之「社會科學業成就」有顯著影響。 肆、「國小社會領域心智圖教學方案」受到多數學生喜愛,實施之適用性高。 研究者根據本研究結果,對國小實施社會領域心智圖教學方案及未來研究提出具體建議,以資參考。 關鍵字:心智圖法、創造力、問題解決、心智圖教學方案、社會科學業成就The research here applies the rules and steps of Mind Mapping to design a set of teaching program for the fifth-grade students in primary schools. The program contains three units. The purpose is to study the effect on the target students’ creativity and the achievement on the subject of Social Science through the Mind Mapping creative thinking pattern. The researcher adopted nonequivalent pretest-posttest as the research pattern. Two classes for the fifth graders of a primary school are taken and divided respectively into experiment and control groups. For the experiment group, they are conducted the Social Science Mind Mapping creative thinking teaching program 3 classes a week, for 7 weeks, totally 21 classes, while the control group are conducted the traditional discoursing teaching program. The research tools here used are “Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Streamlined Scoring Guide, Figure A and B” edited by Mr. I-Ming Li. “The New Edition Test of Problem-Solving Ability ” and “Achievement in the Subject of Social Science Test” edited by Ms. Shiou-Mei Chan and Mr. Wu-Dian Wu are also used. All the data obtained are analyzed through one-way ANCOVA. According to the results of the research, the major findings are listed as the followings: 1. The change of verbal creativity in the experiment group (1) The difference in fluency between the experiment group and the control group in Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Streamlined Scoring Guide is eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is superior to the control group in the fluency of verbal creativity. (2) The difference in originality between the experiment group and the control group in Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Streamlined Scoring Guide is eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is superior to the control group in the originality of verbal creativity. (3) The difference in title between the experiment group and the control group in Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Streamlined Scoring Guide is not eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is not superior to the control group in the title of verbal creativity. (4) The difference in elaboration between the experiment group and the control group in Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Streamlined Scoring Guide is not eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is not superior to the control group in the elaboration of verbal creativity. (5) The difference in openness between the experiment group and the control group in Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Streamlined Scoring Guide is eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is superior to the control group in the openness of verbal creativity. 2. The change of the problem-solving ability in the experiment group (1) The difference in finding solutions between the experiment group and the control group in the New Edition Test of Problem-Solving Ability is eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is superior to the control group in solution-finding. (2) The difference in finding causes between the experiment group and the control group in the New Edition Test of Problem-Solving Ability is eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is superior to the control group in cause-finding. (3) The difference in avoiding problems between the experiment group and the control group in the New Edition Test of Problem-Solving Ability is eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is superior to the control group in problem-avoiding. (4) The difference in flexibility between the experiment group and the control group in the New Edition Test of Problem-Solving Ability is eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is superior to the control group in flexibility. (5) The difference in effectiveness between the experiment group and the control group in the New Edition Test of Problem-Solving Ability is eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is superior to the control group in effectiveness. (6) The difference in total score between the experiment group and the control group in the New Edition Test of Problem-Solving Ability is eminent. The results indicate that the experiment group is superior to the control group in total score. 3. The change of Achievement in the Subject of Social Science in experiment group is eminent after being conducted the experimental teaching. The results shows that the Social Science Mind Mapping teaching program has great influence on the students’ achievement in Social Science. 4. The Social Science Mind Mapping teaching program is not only popular among the students but also highly adoptable. According to the results of this research, the researcher provides the concrete suggestions to conducting Social Science Mind Mapping creative thinking teaching program in the primary school as future references. key word: Mind Mapping, creativity, problem-solving, Mind Mapping teaching program, achievement in social science.心智圖法創造力問題解決心智圖教學方案社會科學業成就Mind Mappingcreativityproblem-solvingMind Mapping teaching programachievement in social science國小社會學習領域心智圖教學方案之成效研究