國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所林美娟2014-10-302014-10-302007-11-21http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34742本計畫由93年8月份起分三年執行。在第一年的計畫執行期間,我們在三位資深高中國文教師及一位國文教材教法專長的大學教授協助下完成了國文科學科知識庫(Content Knowledge Base)之資料庫規劃。本資料庫之架構包含了文章、作者、典籍、文體、文類、字、詞、句等八個entity sets。我們接著以此架構為基礎建立了存取資料庫所需之操作界面。第二年的研究重點在於規劃與建置教學知識庫(Pedagogical Content Knowledge Base)之相關功能。系統所儲存之PCK知識項目包括教案、學習單、講義、考卷、教學日誌、教學錄影片等12類,隨後並於國立台灣師範大學國文系之教學實習課程中由49位選修「國文教學實習」的學生進行系統試用。第三年則進行整個知識庫系統之整合,並根據前兩年的試用回饋意見修正系統功能與界面。此外,第三年間亦新增了大量知識庫內容,以進一步檢測系統的正確性與承受力。系統雛形完成後並以來自35所中學的63位中學國文教師進行系統適用性評鑑。評鑑結果顯示本研究所發展之知識庫系統之操作功能與實用性受到大多數國文教師之普遍肯定。The purpose of this three-year project was to design and develop a knowledge management system for use by Chinese language arts teachers in Taiwan's middle schools. The project started in August 2004. During the first year we did a thorough content analysis with the help of three experienced high school teachers and a college professor specialized in teaching methods of Chinese language arts. The result was a database schema comprising eight entity sets: Authors, Literary Pieces, Literary Genres, Literary Forms, Books, Sentences, Phrases, and Words. Based on the underlying schema, a user interface was designed to handle subject-specific queries and updates to the database. In the second year, PCK-related functions were incorporated into the system. There are 12 categories of PCK items stored by our system, including lesson plans, activity plans, handouts, student worksheets, teaching journals, video clips, teaching props, tests, student work, and so on. Related functions to store, retrieve, and comment on these PCK items were implemented. The system was put to use by 49 students enrolled in the teaching practicum course offered by the Department of Chinese Language Arts at National Taiwan Normal University in Fall 2004. The focus of the third-year research was on integrating CK and PCK functions and making modifications to system functions based on the feedback obtained from test uses conducted in the previous two years. In addition, a large volume of content knowledge was input to the system to further ensure its correctness and robustness. Upon completion of the prototype, system evaluation was performed by 63 Chinese language arts teachers from 35 schools. The results of system evaluation were encouraging in that the evaluators were mostly satisfied with the functions provided by the system and they largely agreed on its usefulness.知識庫國文科學科知識教學知識Knowledge baseChinese language artsContent knowledgePedagogical content knowledge教師線上社群之知識庫規劃與建置(3/3)Design and Development of a Knowledge Base for Teachers' Online Community (III)