蘇文清Su, Wen-Ching顏莉文Yen, Li-Wen2022-06-082023-08-012022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/7cb298010e729dc24107ffc6a715838a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118384品牌時代的現今,多數品牌以建立明確、易於辦識的識別形象系統,建立市場好感與識別性,做為迎戰市場的策略之一,亦代表著品牌的核心精神與願景。偏鄉小學先天擁有獨特的特有文化,也挾著資源不足的劣勢。盼以品牌經營之理論與經驗,增強文化獨有特質,提升學童的民族認同與自我認同,以先天所擁有的優勢改善其所面臨的不足。本研究創作之個案對象為宜蘭縣南澳鄉東澳國小,是一座典型的偏鄉小學,其擁有一支知名的運動隊伍「東澳射箭隊」,經常代表臺灣征戰國內外,其間雖屢獲佳績,但射箭隊的練習及比賽所需經費,遠遠超出既有的補助,隊伍比賽的經費是校內每年的難題,僅靠著全校師生於每年四至六月飛魚季,製作飛魚製品販售,籌措運作經費。本研究盼為其設計一套適切的校徽識別系統,做為東澳射箭隊背書品牌識別,同時也建立東澳射箭隊之專有識別設計,並依此品牌識別延伸創作週邊募資商品,配合原有之東澳飛魚禮盒,除協助增加資金的籌措,也期明確的識別能讓東澳國小加強與外界的接觸點。本研究過程分為以下部份:(一)文獻探討:探究文化之定義及元素,與品牌、學校品牌、品牌識別,助於瞭解其文化及建立品牌識別形象之必要性。(二)個案分析:以東澳國小為核心其內部之文化、發展歷程、校舍環境、人員組織等進行調查,作為創作的依據。 (三)東澳國小的分析及創作:綜合文獻及個案分析,採用符號分析法、系統設計方法,提出創作策略,進行東澳國小校徽識別系統、東澳射箭隊識別及相關募資品規畫創作,助其對外行銷,能夠增加與外界的接觸點,改善資源匱乏的困境,盼亦藉以加強東澳學童對於學校的及自我的認同感。(四) 結論與建議:藉本研究過程之程序,提出本研究之所獲成果與建議。Nowadays most brands establish vivid and easy-to-recognize corporate identity systems not only as their market strategy but as core spirit and vision.The elementary school in rural area owns spectacular culture and faces lack of resource. The research takes use of the theory and experience of branding administration to enhance the unique culture, raise up students’ recognition of nationality of their selves, and ameliorate the lack with strength.Dong Ao Elementary School of Nan Ao Village, Yilan (hereinafter called “DAE”), the subject of this research is a classical elementary school in rural area. DAE has the famous team called “Dong Ao Archery Team” (hereinafter called “DAAT”), which has represented Taiwan to obtain achievement abroad. However, the expense of DAAT is much more than the subsidy as well as the problem of DAE every year. The fund is only earned by selling flying fish product made by teachers and students during flyingfish season from April to June. This study hopes to create a proper school identification system to backup DAAE and also a dedicated identification design of DAAE. Besides, surrounding products related to the brand system is created to help raise fund and strengthen the DAE’s contact point with outside.This research has the following parts: (1) The study of previous research: to investigate of identification and element of culture, branding, school branding, brand identification, to understand the culture and the necessity of establishing brand identification image. (2) The analysis of case: take DAE as the subject to study its culture, developing process, school environment, and personnel organization as the basis of creation. (3) The analysis and creation of DAE: to unify the previous research and analyze the case. The strategy of creation is used with the method of symbol analysis and systematic design to present the school identification system of DAE, the identification system of DAAT, and related fundraising products. It is hoped students’ recognition of school and their selves could be strengthened by improving their contact with outside and the lack of resource. (4) The conclusion and suggestion: the results and suggestion of the research are represented by the process of the study.品牌東澳國小branding地方特色品牌識別系統化創作研究-以東澳國小為例The Creative Research of CIS of Local Culture – Dong Ao Elementary School as Example學術論文