林雪美Hsueh Mei Lin林裕強Yu-Chiang Lin2019-08-292010-01-012019-08-292008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0893230040%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94414國內外皆以推動設立地質公園為相關景點的永續發展方向,但是卻缺乏可以實際操作的理論與工具來確保地景朝向永續經營,尤其是對於易觸型地景而言,更應考量運用相關指標來進行管理。因此本文以理念相似但發展較為成熟的生態旅遊相關指標為基礎,補強人為壓力對地景的影響等向度,來建構易觸型地景之永續發展指標系統。不過目前仍缺乏人為活動對易觸型地景之衝擊等實證研究,因此本研究同時進行相關探討。本文並以野柳地質公園進行個案研究,除了協助該地區進一步釐清永續發展之議題外,也整合個案評估過程以及指標建立過程,提出易觸型地景之永續發展評估程序。 本研究永續指標初步指標系統以易觸型地景之特性為基礎,並參酌生態旅遊地評估架構來建立,之後透過德爾菲法及層級分析法獲致學者、官員、志工、居民及業者等32位專家之共識以決定最終系統與權重。系統共含三個層級,包括3個子系統、13個評估構面及61項指標。各子系統權重最高為「地景資源與觀光的關係(47.8)」,其次為「社區與地景資源的關係(33.7)」及「觀光與社區的關係(18.5)」;最高權重評估構面則為「地景遊憩承載壓力(15)」,此結果說明了地質公園在永續發展中最需考量的面向與重心,也符合世界地質公園的發展準則。 人為壓力對地景影響之部分,分別透過長時間尺度與短時間尺度來探討。長時間尺度之探討為透過比對已知年代岩石外表形貌與現況的差距推估,發現女王頭頸部平均後退速率約為每年2.3mm~2.5mm之間。短期後退速率則以實驗設計的方式將女王頭與對照組(自然營力)做後退速率比較,岩石樣點之速率測量則透過比對適當時間間隔的微觀尺度照片,並計算期間崩落砂粒數目;結果透過成對樣本t檢定發現女王頭樣點速率皆顯著大於對照組,這個速率的差異可以推論就是人為壓力所造成。 實地評估部分則將建構完成之指標系統與人為壓力評估結果交由各權益關係人,針對相關指標項目進行評估。整個指標系統將設計成地景資源(專家及管理人員)、社區(居民)及觀光(遊客)等三份涵蓋不同指標項目之問卷,地景資源問卷中並附加人為壓力對地景影響等摘要報告。評估結果顯示野柳地質公園整體加權評值為46.65分,屬於「潛在不永續發展」之狀態,進一步透過AMOEBA模型來檢視,最需加強的是「地景遊憩承載壓力」與「管理單位與社區的互動關係」兩個評估構面,權重達成百分比各只有29.6%與33.0%,已接近不永續發展的狀態,因此另外引用學者之理論來對管理者提供適當管理規劃之建議。 本研究並整合評估程序提出易觸型地景之永續評估8項步驟,研究成果提供了一套適當的管理工具,可供野柳及相關地質地形景點永續管理規劃上之參考。Although UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) advocates the importance of sustainable Geopark development, few researches have referred practical implementation methodologies for sustainability assessment. Especially for accessible landscape areas, like Yehliu Geopark, we should use indicators to monitor the environmental change of landscape to avoid any unrecoverable damage. Based on the sustainable assessment construct of an ecotourism site, we built a preliminary indicator system for accessible landscape areas. Then we used Delphi technique to identify evaluation indicators, and used Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)to decide the weights of indicators. With respect to the sustainable content of this geological site, we set recession rates of the rock surface to be parts of the indicator system. Results show a hierarchical system which includes 3 subsystems, 13 dimensions, and 61 indicators. Among the 3 subsystems, “the relationship between Geopark and tourism” has the highest weight. “The relationship between locals and Geopark”, and “the relationship between tourism and locals” follow it. These results are compatible with the principle of sustainable development – that tourism development should be based on the sustainable utilization of resource.” For the indicators of rock surface recession rates, the Pedestal Rocks in Yehliu were influenced by visitors’ behavior for a long time. However, few researches referred it. This study attempts to estimate the recession rate and measure the antropogeneous effect on the rock surface. In respect of long-period scale, we compared known age rock surface with present shape, we find out the recession rate of the Queen Head’s neck is 2.3mm~2.5mm/yr. As for the short-period scale, recession rates were determined for each time interval by comparison of 1.0 cm2 regions of the most recent microphotographs with the previous time’s image, and counting the disappearance of individual grains in a specific time interval to obtain the linear surface recession rate. Furthermore, this study utilized experiment design to compare the recession rates between two pedestal rocks, Queen Head and the control one. Results show the recession rates of Queen Head are faster than the control one, especially in the neck of Queen Head’s north side. It might be attributed to the antropogeneous effect. After result shows the recession rate of the Queen Head is faster than any published data. It might imply that there is a notable antropegeneous effect on the rock surface. Then the study performs a case study to illustrate the application and the utility of the indicator system. We measured Yehliu Geopark holistic by 3 subsystems, 13 dimensions, and 61 indicators. Local residents, tourists, experts, and resource administration were interviewed to evaluate the status of indicators. And we supplied quantitative information for main environmental indicators in the questionaire. Next we calculated the weighted scores of total system, subsystems, dimensions, and indicators to understand the sustainability of this site. Results show Yehliu Geopark is classified into the level of potential unsustainable. Besides, we use AMOEBA models to illustrate the system quality. We find two dimensions, “ Carrying capacity of landscape” and “The relationship between administration and local residents ” that need to be improved more urgently. Finally, this research provide an assessment procedure for sustainable accessible landscape area management. The study provides a valuable tool for sustainable destination management and the indicator system can be reapplied to other destinations.指標德爾菲層級分析法權益關係人變形蟲模型蕈狀岩後退速率人為壓力IndicatorDelphiAHPstakeholderAMOEBA modelPedestal RockRecession RateAntropogeneous從生態旅遊觀點建構易觸型地景之永續指標及其評估-以野柳地質公園為例Evaluating the Sustainability of Accessible Landscape Area from Ecorourism Perspective – A Case Study of Yehliu Geopark