國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系鍾鳳嬌  王國川  陳永朗 2014-12-022014-12-022006-06-011011-5714http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39970本研究目的在比較不同國籍與不同家庭背景之本、外籍配偶的子女之語文、心智能力發展與學習行為的探討,研究樣本來自於屏東縣內埔鄉八所國小,共有 80 位外籍配偶子女及其班級中對照之本國籍 80 位兒童參加。研究結果顯示,不同家庭月收入的外籍配偶子女,在語文、心智能力及學習行為上沒有顯著的差異性。父親及母親的教育程度,並沒有對外籍配偶子女在語文、心智能力及學習行為上的表現造成顯著性的差異。外籍配偶子女較本國籍配偶子女在語文方面有顯著落後的情形,在心智能力方面也有些許落後的差異,在學習行為上則沒有顯著差異性。The main purposes of the present study were to compare the mental development of children who were bom in foreign bride families with their classmates from native bride families in Pingtung county. Eighty children from the families of foreign brides and 80 of their counterparts from the native bride families participated in this study. All children were assessed with standardized measurements for their language ability, mental ability development, and learning behavior. The results indicated that, for children from foreign bride families, no significant differences were found in language ability, mental ability, and learning behavior regardless of family income levels and parents' education level. However, the children from foreign bride families were lower in language and mental ability than their counterparts from native bride families. There were no significant differences in learning behavior between the children of foreign bride families and those of native bride families.心智能力發展  外籍配偶子女  語文發展  學習行為Mental abilities development�hildren of foreign bride families�anguage development�earning behavior屏東地區外籍與本國籍配偶子女在語文、心智能力發展與學習行為之比較研究--探析家庭背景的影響A Comparison Study of Langueage, Mental Abilities Development, and Learning Behavior for Children of Foreign Bride Families in Pingtung