周中天博士Dr. Chung-tien Chou解文玉2019-09-032009-7-292019-09-032009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0888210085%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97854摘要 拓展臺灣觀光產業是國內經濟發展之重要政策。英語為世界各國之重要溝通語言,在提昇觀光產業、尤其是國內觀光飯店服務品質上,英語更是扮演著舉足輕重之重要角色。本研究以質量並重之方式,來探討國際觀光飯店前場員工及經理,對員工工作上英語需求及表現之看法做一研究。所收集之資料除有問卷調查及訪談外,亦有新進員工之英語學習日誌做分析。回收之有效問卷分別來自客務部、房務部及餐飲部之前場員工(601份)及經理(112份)。回收之問卷以次數、百分比及費雪精確檢定模式(Fisher's exact test)之方式,比較員工及經理之間、及部門間之相似和差異之處。訪談及日誌之質性資料則以持續比較分析法(constant comparative method of analysis) ,並配合量化結果加以分析及進行解釋。本研究結果顯示國際觀光飯店之經理和員工,對英語使用需求之看法極為相似。針對員工英語表現之評估,經理的滿意度比員工自我評估滿意度為高。雖然經理和員工都表示英語之聽、說、讀、寫能力對工作上都非常重要,但聽與說之使用頻繁度卻高於讀和寫,同時員工之能力表現也較好。數位工作二十年以上之資深經理更指出:讀於工作上雖不若聽與說來的頻繁,但廣泛閱讀相關英文文章則可增加員工之知識,並增加與客人互動之深度與廣度,進而提升了服務之水準與品質。兩組皆認為員工於工作上使用肢體語言之情形頗為需要而且亦表現不錯,但對跨文化之認識與瞭解卻需求不多,同時亦是表現最弱之一項。研究結果亦顯示雖然客務部經理與員工對各項英語使用之需求與表現看法一致,但其看法卻與房務部及餐飲部之經理與員工看法差異頗大。本研究結果除能對國際觀光飯店前場員工及經理之英語使用及員工英語之表現能瞭解外,對飯店員工之英語訓練課程內容之設計亦有助益。此研究結果同時對增進臺灣國際觀光飯店服務品質亦有實質之幫助,對將來有興趣從事相關之研究者,亦提供了重要之參考資料。ABSTRACT Promoting tourism is part of national economic policy in Taiwan and thus there is an inherent need to attract and cater for more overseas visitors. Since English is the lingua franca of international communication, it must have a prime role to play in the delivery of quality service in the hospitality industry in which international tourist hotels are a key sector. However, an examination of the literature about such venues in Taiwan, especially the front-of-house services offered within them, reveals a dearth of information concerning the English needs of employees are and how they successfully perform with the language. This study addresses aspects of the subjects, using quantitative and qualitative means to discover what perceptions hotel staff as a group and hotel division managers as a group hold about the importance for job success of various linguistic needs and performance. Questionnaire surveys were used to collect quantitative data from more than 603 front-of-house staff and 112 division managers, while qualitative data were culled from semi-structured interviews with 52 managers, from informal post-questionnaire interviews with a number of front-of-house staff and from workplace English learning diaries kept by four newly-appointed staff members from day one in their different posts. Fisher’s exact test was employed to measure the gaps between the perceived needs and performance, staff versus management and department versus department. The qualitative data were subjected to a constant comparative method of analysis. The results indicated that both groups showed a degree of generosity in assessing staff performance, with management expressing more satisfaction than staff themselves did. Though listening, speaking, reading and writing were all considered important for the job, both groups rated need for and performance in the first two more highly. Reading, however, was regarded for the way it broadens staff knowledge of the world and adds in turn to the width and depth of service quality. Among the common listening and speaking situations, listening to and responding to guest enquiries came top, both as need for and as satisfaction with performance. Cross-cultural understanding, however, was considered weakest in performance. Perceptions in the Front Office were shared by management and staff alike, but vary from those in the Housekeeping and Food and Beverage Departments. The results help to inform about and then explain the similarities and differences of view that staff and management hold concerning needs and performance. They also provide a practical basis for improving service quality and for tackling further issues relating to English language use in hotel sector.餐旅英文旅館英語專業英語需求表現Hospitality EnglishHotel EnglishESPNeedsPerformance餐旅從業人員對臺灣餐旅英語使用需求及表現看法之研究Needs and Performance in Hospitality English in Taiwan as Perceived by Hotel Practitioners