國立臺灣師範大學社會工作學研究所游美貴鄭麗珍畢國蓮蘇芳儀2014-12-022014-12-022006/03-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/37646113婦幼保護專線(以下簡稱113),主要提供全省民眾24小時保護的通報管道,近年來因為家庭暴力議題逐漸受到重視,中央與地方政府無不大力宣導113通報專線,有關113通報及相關資料的統計,也逐年不斷的建制且通報量亦不斷攀升。然究竟113的服務效能及品質,是否能回應及因應此一攀升的需求量呢?再者,各縣市目前在專線服務的模式不一,也可能影響113的運作與服務發展。故本研究之研究目的有三:1.蒐集國內外有關專線運作模式的文獻及實證研究,並針對各國在被害人服務熱線及我國現行113之運作模式及服務內涵進行比較分析,以建議113之定位及服務內涵。2.分析113相關文件及錄音資料,以了解線上服務品質,進而發展線上服務成效評估方法及架構。3.針對各縣市政府現行113各種運作模式之人力、經費、成效等優缺點進行分析,以提出未來113運作模式之政策建議。 本研究以分析各縣市政府現行113運作模式之優缺點及發展113專線服務成效評估模式為目的,擬藉由蒐集到各縣市公私部門113專線運作方式資料,將其分類成為各項運作模式,並採質化與量化研究並行的研究方法。資料收集方式將採問卷調查、焦點團體及現有文件與錄音資料之內容分析等等。 關鍵字:113婦幼保護專線、家庭暴力This study aims to explore the efficiency on different operating services of 113 Protection Hotline. The study will address a number of research questions: what do social workers think that the Hotline services could be improved? What are differences between telephone callers?? needs and the provision of the Hotline? What services should be changed in order to meet users?? needs? The study will propose appropriate strategies to suggest policy or practice implications for relevant responses to the services of 113 Protection Hotline.. The research will combine quantitative and qualitative methods and will conduct in several ways of data collection. Firstly, the mandatory reporters, such as police, doctors, teachers, will complete a questionnaire by telephone interviews. In addition, there will be more detailed discussions with several groups of social workers, who have been working for the Hotline. Lastly, about the 400 phone records of 141163 calls for one year will be made available for content analysis. Keywords: 113 Protection Hotline, domestic violence113專線家庭暴力113 Protection HotlineDomestic violence113婦幼保護專線運作成效評估研究