洪榮昭Hong, Jon-Chao徐悅容Hsu, Yueh-Jung2023-12-082022-08-262023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2c9c5781961122951c473b6315aa3741/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120761「學習英語」在與外語相關的學習是一個全球性挑戰。為引導學習者進行歸納推理練習語言學習,本研究基於 Charade 機制改編設計了英語教材,讓學習者隱誨地學習英語名詞、形容詞和動詞。並針對國中的學生,將學生常見的學習內容設計成 Charade 機制,例如動物、海洋生物、鳥類等。通過這種設計,學生可以透過使用手機、平板或智慧音箱進行學習。本研究主要使用工具為 Google Assistant 之APP,並以語音或文字輸入方式打開Guessing Fun 你猜我答學習遊戲之介面,讓學生在課程中以遊戲的方式進行學習。本研究之使用感想問卷共計回收179份,並對有效問卷157份進行統計分析,包括驗證性因素分析與結構方程模型分析。統計資料之分析結果為:(一)系統互動自我效能與互動擬人化之間具正相關。(二)系統互動自我效能與遊戲易用性之間具正相關。(三)互動擬人化對遊戲有用性之間具正相關。(四)遊戲易用性對遊戲有用性之間具正相關。(五)遊戲有用性對互動趣味性之間具正相關。(六)遊戲有用性對遊戲沈浸度之間具正相關。(七)互動趣味性對學習表現之間具正相關。(八)遊戲沈浸度對學習表現之間具正相關。(九)系統互動自我效能對學習表現之間具正相關。研究結論及建議表示,設計與學習相關之遊戲,將其融入課程可以吸引具有基本英語能力但對傳統教學方法不感興趣的年輕學習者多多地參與其中。未來也希望能夠將這套學習模式融入校園及補教界,讓學習者的學習方式有更多選擇。English learning is considered a common challenge for learners around the world. Students can learn by interacting with mobile devices or smart speakers through this new form of learning material. To incurage learners’ inductive reasoning to enhance language learning effectiveness, the present study designed a new English learning material based on the charade mechanism for learners to learn English nouns, adjectives, and verbs implicitly. This study targeted junior high school students and incorporated various contents, for example, animals, ocean creatures, birds, and so on.In this study, students used the Google Assistant app to open the Guessing Fun which a learning game with voice or text input. A total of 179 questionnaires were collected, and 157 valid questionnaires were subjected statistical analysis, including confimatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results showed that: (1) Google system self-efficacy can positively predict interactive fun. (2) Google system self-efficacy can positively predict game ease of use. (3) Interactive fun can positively predict usefulness of the game. (4) Game ease of use can positively predict game usefulness. (5) Game usefulness can positively predict interactive fun. (6) Perceived usefulness of the game can positively predict flow experience. (7) Interactive fun can positively predict learning performance. (8) Flow experience can positively predict learning performance. (9) Google system self-efficacy can positively predict learning performance mediated by ease of use, usefulness, interactive fun and flow experience. The result of this study suggests that designing learning-related games and incorporating Charade into the bilingual curriculum can increase leaerning effectivenss among young learners.系統互動自我效能科技接受模式擬人化認知信念語言學習遊戲沈浸Google system self-efficacyTechnological acceptance modelHumanoidCognitive beliefsLanguage learningGame immersion探究國中學生系統互動自我效能及科技接受之程度在你猜我答遊戲中之趣味性及沈浸度與學習表現之相關研究Exploring Interactive Fun, Flow Experience and Learning Performance Predicted by Google System Interactive Self-Efficacy and Acceptance in a Charade game--Guessing Fun on Junior High School Studentsetd