廖年淼劉玲慧Nian-Miao LyauLing-Hui Liu2016-05-042016-05-042012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78001本研究旨在發展高職學校汽車科專題製作職場導向之教學型態內涵,並建立一套有系統的教學程序。此一教學型態內涵主要是指導學生親赴職場觀察記錄資深技工的實務操作過程,以汽車科為例,學生可觀察與記錄師傅維修保養的過程包含:如何詢問車主車況與故障現象、如何判別故障源、如何與車主洽談擬使用的零組件類型(正廠、副廠、再製零件、堪用零件)與報價,實際的分解組合(零組件更換)程序、維修完畢的測試與交車程序等,是一個整體性的維修過程學習,而非僅僅觀察維修或零組件更換程序而已。研究結論包含:此一教學型態能協助統整群科專業知能、能建立高職汽科車學生整體性的維修知能、學生可快速獲致成就感、教師可獲取職場實務資訊等四項,最後本研究也分別針對高職學校與主管教育行政機關提出相關建議。This study aims to develop the work-based instructional design for "capstone project" at automotive mechanics departments in vocational schools, as well as to establish systematic instructional procedures. The content of this instructional design primarily guides students to observe and record the practical operational procedures of senior technicians in the workplace. Taking automotive mechanics departments as an example, students can observe and record the repair and maintenance process of masters, including: how to ask automobile owners about vehicle conditions and malfunctions, how to determine the source of malfunctions, how to discuss the component types to be used (original manufacturer, subsidiary manufacturer, remanufactured components, refurbished components, etc), how to quote prices for the owners, actual disassembly and assembly (component replacement) procedures, testing after repairs, and vehicular delivery procedures. Students learn the complete repair process, rather than merely observing repairs or the components replacement procedure. The four research conclusions include: this instructional study can help to integrate professional know-how across different subject areas, can establish the overall repair know-how for students at automotive mechanics departments in vocational schools, enable students to quickly gain a sense of accomplishment, and allow teachers to gain practical information from the workplace. Finally, this study provides relevant suggestions to vocational schools and educational administrative institutions, respectively.汽車科專題製作職場導向觀察學習Automotive mechanics departmentCapstone projectWork-basedObservational learning高職「專題製作」職場導向教學-以觀察學習為例Work-Based Instructional Development for "Capstone project" in Vocational Schools: The Case of Observational Learning