陳秀芬張正芬Hsiu-Fen Chen, Cheng-Fen Chang2014-10-272014-10-272013-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16340本文主要目的在分享國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育中心資源教室之服務理念及具體作法,做為各大專校院規劃相關服務之參考。首先回顧大專階段資源教室的成立背景及所依據之相關法令,並說明服務內涵及實施現況,再以臺灣師大為例介紹資源教室服務模式,包括資料轉銜及學生能力評估、執行各項輔導服務工作、定期檢討及追蹤輔導等辦理重點,最後總結模式特色並期許能落實特殊教育支援系統。This article recounted the main components of the supportive service model at the colleges and universities level from the application of National Taiwan Normal University’s Special Education Center. First, the authors reviewed the history and relevant laws concerning such services in Taiwan. They then discussed specific details concerning the supportive service model’s implementation in NTNU. These details include case management, systematic assessment, conduct of the services, and follow-up evaluations. In the conclusion, the strengths of the programs are summarized, and areas for future improvement are noted.大專資源教室特殊教育學生支持服務resource room programs in Colleges and UniversitiesSENsupport services大專校院資源教室服務模式-以國立臺灣師範大學為例The Supportive Service Model of Resource Room Programs for Special Education Need Students at the Colleges and Universities level – An Example from National Taiwan Normal University