王櫻芬李敬亭Lee, Ching-Ting2020-10-192024-12-312020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060301018E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110282本研究旨在探討大學生之父母依附、自主性與心理健康之間的關係,並以雙元自主性之觀點,檢驗個體化自主性及關係自主性在大學生父母依附與心理健康之間的中介效果。本研究對象為台灣大專院校之在學大學生,以問卷調查法為研究方法,並使用便利性抽樣,聯繫四所北部大學入班進行團體施測,共回收278份有效問卷為研究樣本。本研究採用「母親依附量表」、「父親依附量表」、「青少年自主性量表」與「正向心理健康量表」為研究工具。再將資料以獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson積差相關與迴歸分析進行統計考驗。下述為本研究主要發現: 一、大學生之母親安全依附高於父親安全依附,且大學生關係自主性發展較個體化自主性高,此外,家庭和諧為大學生心理健康中表現最佳的向度。 二、「性別」在大學生的個體化自主性與自我悅納有顯著差異,且男性顯著高於女性;「年級」在大學生的個體化自主性有顯著差異,其中,高年級顯著高於低年級。 三、大學生的「母親依附」、「父親依附」、「個體化自主性」、「關係自主性」及「心理健康」之間,兩兩變項皆呈現顯著正相關。其中,母親依附與關係自主性的相關顯著高於父親依附;而父親依附與個體化自主性的相關顯著高於母親依附。 四、在控制性別及高低年級等背景變項後,「個體化自主性」和「關係自主性」在大學生母親依附與心理健康之間,以及大學生父親依附與心理健康之間的部分中介效果皆成立,顯示母親依附及父親依附皆可透過雙元自主性間接影響心理健康。 最後,根據本研究結果提供未來研究人員及實務工作者相關建議作為參考。The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between Parental Attachment, Autonomy and Mental Health and to examine the mediating role of Autonomy from the dual autonomy model perspective in the relationship. The target of the study focused on the college students in Taiwan. Participants of this study were collected through convenience sampling among group testing in four colleges. A total of 278 completed self-reported questionnaires of ‘ Maternal Attachment Scale’ ,’ Paternal Attachment Scale’, ‘Adolescent Autonomy Scale’, and‘ Positive Mental Health Scale’. Data was analyzed by Independent-Sample t test, Pearson correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The major results were summarized as follows: 1. The current college students showed higher level of maternal attachment than paternal attachment, and higher level of relating autonomy than individuating autonomy. Furthermore, the family harmony was highest level in Mental Health. 2. Male college students reported higher levels of individuating autonomy and self-acceptance than female students. For grade differences, individuating autonomy were higher in upper grade students than under grade students. 3. Among maternal attachment, paternal attachment, individuating autonomy, relating autonomy, and mental health, correlation analysis results showed that all variable was positively associated with each other. Besides, maternal attachment was more associated than paternal attachment with relating autonomy and paternal attachment was more associated than maternal attachment with individuating autonomy. 4. When controlling for the sex and grade variables, the relationship between maternal attachment and mental health was partially mediated by individuating autonomy and relating autonomy. Also, individuating autonomy and relating autonomy were able to partially mediate the relation of paternal attachment to mental health. In the last, some further suggestions for future researchers and practitioners were given based on the results of this study.大學生心理健康父親依附母親依附個體化自主性關係自主性College studentIndividuating autonomyMaternal attachmentPaternal attachmentRelating autonomyMental health父母依附、自主性與心理健康之相關研究─以北區大學生為例none