曾金金Tseng, Chin-Chin蔡藴嫻Tsai, Yun-Hsien2024-12-172024-08-142024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/82c687e0753dea11b39a4d14aee3520f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122247巴西位處偏遠南美,華教師資、教材、教學資源各方面缺乏,教師在 此情況下仍辛勤耕耘,服務在地學子,華教推展不易。由於教師是教學過 程中重要的角色之一,載負社會價值與責任,在實際教學的動態過程中, 需就整體教學環境各項因素來調整個人的教學能力,本研究藉由描繪巴西 華語教師能力樣貌,對華語教學現況及當地社會特質作一概況了解,以此 作為對巴西華教提供實際協助時的參酌。由於教師能力抽象且難以測量, 本研究將以美國「Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers」、歐洲「A Guide to Teacher Competences for Languages in Education」、中國「國際中文教師專業能力標準」等三個語言教師能力 標準作為參照,以認同度與實踐度兩個面向,進行問卷調查,請當地華語 教師對三個能力標準之各項指標進行評分,以此評估結果作為能力描述之 主要依據,並後續藉由訪談,對研究資料加以補充,歸納當地教學現況及 社會特質。研究結果顯示,巴西華語教師多數傾向歐洲語言教師能力標準, 在教學觀上較認同歐洲的多元文化溝通、學習者為本、建構式教學等理念, 注重科技與教學的配合,對於跨界的異質價值理解與合作有實務上的需求。In the field of Chinese language teaching, Brazil faces shortage of teachers, teaching materials, and educational resources. Despite these challenges, local Chinese language teachers still work diligently to serve students. To be able to contribute to this teaching context and to offer appropriate support, we considered it important to first understand the current teaching situation and the characteristics of Brazilian society. Since teachers carry the values of the society in which they teach and adjust their competences according to the dynamics of teaching, we believe that by outlining the teacher competence profile, we will be able to gain the understanding we seek. As competence is an abstract phenomenon, this study uses three language teacher competence standards as references for measurement: Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers”, from USA, “A Guide to Teacher Competences for Languages in Education”, from Council of Europe, “Professional Competence Standards for International Chinese Language Teachers”, from China. Through a questionnaire survey, local Chinese language teachers are asked to evaluate these competence standards from both appropriateness and feasibility perspectives. The evaluation results are used to form the profile, and interviews are conducted to complement the data, so that together they can outline the current teaching situation in this country and the characteristics of the respective society. The research results show that most Chinese language teachers tend to align with European standards. They are more inclined to agree with European educational perspectives that emphasize multicultural communication, learner-centered approaches, and constructivist teaching methods. These teachers place importance on the integration of technology with teaching and recognize the practical need for understanding and cooperation across different fields and diverse values.巴西華語教師語言教師能力語言教師能力標準Chinese language teacher in BrazilLanguage teacher competenceLanguage teacher competence standard巴西華語教師能力指標的認同度與實踐度現況概述An Overview and Discussion on the Level of Identification and Implementation of Chinese Teacher Competence Indicators in the Brazilian Context學術論文