國立臺灣師範大學地理學系李素馨2015-09-032015-09-032012/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=2646047http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74670台江國家公園不僅擁有國際級濕地及珍稀候鳥黑面琵鷺等重要生態資源,更具備台灣移墾歷史的獨特文化資產,加上漁業、曬鹽等產業型態的人文氣息,故同時具備「歷史」、「自然」、「產業」三大資源特色。因應全球氣候變遷,必須建構完整的生態體系,以達成生物多樣性之保育功能與文化之展現及延續,並突顯區內之自然環境與人文價值。對於此大尺度的環境變遷問題,本整合型計劃將以福衛星系影像、航空相片與全國土地利用調查圖,分別在六個子計畫進行影像校正、土地變遷,海岸地形變化,候鳥棲息地、虱目魚養殖、與濕地變遷,以及景觀生態分析等研究,研究結果可以瞭解台江國家公園在多時序的影像上,是否呈現環境生態衝擊,而受到影響的主要區域與原因為何,進一步提出預測與管理改善對策,冀望研究成果可提供政府、相關單位規劃之參考。Taijiang National Park not only has world-class wetlands, rare migratory black-faced spoonbills and important ecological resources, but also has unique historic cultivated assets and traditional industry of fishing and salt production. Therefore, it has "history", "natural" and "industrial" resource characteristics. In response to global climate change, we must establish a comprehensive ecological system to conserve biological diversity, functions and cultural continuity and to highlight the natural environment and cultural values. For analyzing issues of large-scale environmental changes, this integrative plan will base on the FORMOSAT data, aerial photographs and Taiwan national land use survey data to provide sub-plans which are related with image correction. Six research sub-plans will focus on land use change, coastal topography, migratory birds’ habitat, fish farming, wetland changes, and landscape ecological pattern changes. Furthermore to identify the impact of land usage management to landscape biotope and ecosystem service system. The results will also analyze the impact factors of change and predict future changes in the patterns and areas. The results could provide suggestions for the Government and relevant academic research centers.衛星影像環境衝擊環境變遷景觀生態系統地理資訊Satellite imagesenvironmental impactenvironmental changelandscape ecological systemgeographic information台江海岸環境與社會人文變遷---以空間資訊系統整合---並以生態服務系統評定台江濕地治理目標Environmental and Social Change in Taijiang Coastal Area---The Integration of Spatial Information System