關弘昌周世玉Kuan, Hung- ChangChou, Shih- Yu洪碧聰Hung, Pi-Tsung2019-09-032015-01-012019-09-032011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697560043%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94560近年來氣候變遷所造成的極端氣候現象已是無法逃避的風險,聯合國提出了減緩以及調適作為回應之方案,因此本文選擇以歐盟的海岸帶調適管理作為討論之案例,以此案例討論歐盟的多層級合作關係。 自1980年代開始逐漸成形的歐盟多層級治理模式,在整合性海岸帶管理策略中再度的呈現,在共同體層級、區域層級以及國家層級的內部以及層級間確實存在著合作關係,新自由制度主義理論認為國家會選擇以絕對利益作為考量,當對其本身所付出之成本有降低之效益時,國家便會選擇合作;由執委會所主導的整合性海岸帶管理策略便是以此立場做為吸引各國合作之動機,共同體提供了技術、經驗以及經費的補助,並提醒各沿海成員國海岸帶管理與國土安全的直接連結,使各成員國願意投入各個不同層級的海岸帶管理策略行動之中。 2008年開始的金融海嘯衝擊了歐盟許多國家,如本文案例國葡萄牙,可能因此而減少海岸帶管理策略的預算,雖然這是一個潛在的阻力,但多層級治理的模式已成形,會員國間的合作與協調已成習慣,再加上現行的共同政策所帶來的溢出效果,歐盟的整合性海岸帶管理策略合作關係將繼續擴大並越趨穩定,最終將朝共同政策之模式邁進。In recent years, climate change give rise to the extreme weather events is inescapable risk, and the United Nations proposed two response program – mitigation and adaptation. So this paper chooses the case of the EU’s coastal zone management, in order to discuss the EU's multi-level cooperation model. Since the 1980s, the EU multi-level governance started in shape, and it present in integrated coastal zone management strategy again, and cooperate within the community level, regional level and national level. The neo-liberal institutionalism propose that the State will consider absolute benefit by itself, when the benefit is higher than the cost, the state will choose cooperate to others. The integrated coastal zone management strategy is dominated by the European Commission, and it is the best case to prove the absolute benefit can attract cooperation. The community provides the technology skills, experiences and funding, and reminds to members that the coastal zone management and territory safety are direct link, so that all members are willing to join to different levels coastal zone management strategies. The financial tsunami was started at 2008, many EU countries, for example this paper’s case - Portugal, they will reduce the budget of coastal zone management because the financial tsunami. Although financial tsunami is just a potential resistance, the multi-level governance model has been formed, and cooperation and coordination between the member states has been a habit, coupled with the common policy spill over effects all push the EU integrated coastal zone management strategies success. And cooperative relations will continue to expand and become more stable and will eventually move towards a common policy model.氣候變遷調適海岸帶管理多層級治理climate change adaptationcoastal zone managementmulti-level governance歐盟氣候變遷調適策略下的多層級合作模式 - 以整合性海岸帶管理策略為例EU climate change adaptation strategy of multi-level cooperation model - The case of integrated coastal zone management strategies