國立臺灣師範大學東亞學系王恩美2014-10-302014-10-302010/8/1-2http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/32615創造「國民公敵」 —韓國、台灣政府的政治宣傳與民眾生活中的反共經驗(1945~1979) 第二次世界大戰結束後,在東亞冷戰體系之下,韓國與台灣形成「分裂國家」,共 同歸屬於反共陣營。兩國不僅採取建構「反共意識」作為統合國民意識的方法,兩國反 共體制的內容更具有高度的相似性。一方面,兩國皆透過反共教育、反共口號、媒體等 廣泛宣傳反共意識型態、建立反共主義,企圖將反共主義滲透至國民的日常生活;另方 面,則是透過各種具體的法律規定,將前述的反共意識型態「制度化」。韓國與台灣政 府採取類似的政策與方法,試圖將對立的共產主義政權塑造為全國人民的共同敵人,但 由於兩國不同的歷史背景,卻又使雙方的反共經驗出現若干差異。在本計畫中,筆者將 針對宣傳層面,比較分析韓國與台灣政府的政治宣傳與一般民眾在日常生活所經歷的反 共經驗。具體而言,筆者將以新聞、雜誌、圖像、標語等宣傳媒體為中心,比較兩國的 宣傳方式、宣傳內容,同時分析兩國人民如何認知政府的反共宣傳內容。首先,針對兩 國的宣傳組織與機構進行比較分析。其次,將討論兩國宣傳組織與機構透過報紙、宣傳 手冊、圖像、標語等宣傳管道所實施的反共意識形態宣傳內容。最後,分析這些宣傳對 兩國人民所產生的「效果」。The Formation of “Public Enemies” —Political Propaganda of South Korean and Taiwan Governments and Anti-communist Experiences in the Daily Life of the General Public (1945-1979) With the ending of World War II, both South Korea and Taiwan became divided nations in the East Asia Cold War System and joined the anti-communist campaign. The two governments not only adopted the approach that uses the construction of “anticommunist consciousness” as a way of unifying national consciousness, the content of their anti-communist systems was also highly similar. On the one hand, through anti-communist education, anti-communist slogans and media, the two governments comprehensively propagandized the anti-communist ideology to build up anti-communism in an attempt to make anti-communism pervade the daily life of their citizens; on the other hand, a variety of concrete legislations were used to “institutionalize” the said anti-communist ideology. With similar policies and approaches, the governments of South Korea and Taiwan sought to make the opposing communist regimes the common enemy of the whole nation. Nevertheless, due to the diversified history backgrounds of the two nations, there were variances in their anti-communist experiences. In this project, on the basis of propaganda, an analysis and comparison will be made for and between the political propaganda of South Korean and Taiwan governments and the anti-communist experiences of the general public in their daily life. In particular, the researcher will focus on news, magazines, pictures, slogans, and other media of propaganda to compare the approaches and content of propaganda between the two nations, and how the general public perceived the anti-communist propaganda of their governments. To begin with, a comparison and investigation will be made into the propaganda organizations and institutions of the two governments. Afterwards, the study will examine how the propaganda organizations and institutions advocated the anti-communist ideology to the general public through means of propaganda, including newspapers, pamphlets, pictures, and slogans. Lastly, the “effects” of the propaganda on people of the two nations will be investigated.反共主義反共意識型態反共宣傳政治宣傳報紙宣傳手冊圖像標語大眾輿論反共形象共產形象anti-communismanti-communist ideologyanti-communist propagandapolitical propagandanewspaperspamphletspicturessloganspublic opinionanti-communist imagescommunist images創造「國民公敵」The Formation of “Public Enemies”韓國、台灣政府的政治宣傳與民眾生活中的反共經驗(1945-1979)Political Propaganda of South Korean and Taiwan Governments and Anti-Communist Experiences in the Daily Life of the General Public (1945-1979)