黃均人Chun-Zen Huang曾子嘉Tzu-Chia Tseng2019-09-062006-03-012019-09-062006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069161027%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108140《康科德奏鳴曲》(Piano Sonata No. 2: Concord, Mass., 1840-1860)是美國二十世紀作曲家艾伍士(Charles Edward Ives, 1874-1954)的重要創作,其歷史可追溯至1904年;經過近半世紀的時間終告定稿。為了闡述創作理念,作曲家並寫下一篇相關著作《寫在奏鳴曲之前》(Essays Before a Sonata, 1920)。在這首鋼琴奏鳴曲中,艾伍士以美國文學上的超越主義(Transcendentalism)思想當作圓心,引領當時風潮的文學家們為半徑,創作他認為真正具有美國特色的音樂。在四個音樂形象迥異卻被主題隱隱貫串的樂章中,作曲家投注無可言喻的深刻情感,透露出對於康科德精神的無限嚮往。 本論文將以《康科德奏鳴曲》以及《寫在奏鳴曲之前》為主軸,就此樂曲的首演、結構以及文字敘述,從不同角度討論艾伍士的音樂創作與思維。全文共分成五章:第一章與第五章分別為緒論與結論;第二章以首演《康科德奏鳴曲》的鋼琴家科克派崔克為主,討論他彈奏此曲的過程,首演之後對作曲家造成的影響,以及他對艾伍士由認識、崇敬、進而為其盡心盡力的源由與貢獻;第三章針對《康科德奏鳴曲》的音樂本身,從文獻資料上,試論此曲的創作時間與素材來源,並就其樂曲主題與結構作一分析;第四章則從影響艾伍士甚鉅的超越主義為起點,探討此文學思潮與作曲家、作品之間的連結,進而就《寫在奏鳴曲之前》文字內容的六個部分逐一討論,探索作曲家內心最深沈的世界。Piano Sonata No. 2: Concord, Mass. 1840-1860 is the important piece of Charles Edward Ives (1874-1954), who is an American composer in the 20th century. It is started in 1904 and finalized after nearly a half of the century later. In order to expound on his ideas and thoughts of composition, Ives wrote down a related monograph Essays Before a Sonata (1920). In this sonata for a piano, Ives centered the thoughts of Transcendentalism in American Literature and developed with the ideas of literary authors, who led the fashion at that moment, to compose the musical piece of truly American characteristics in his opinion. In the four movements with different musical features but connected by the theme dully, the composer put in indescribable deep feelings and emotions as well as disclose his most hankering for the spirit of Concord. With the axis of Concord Sonata and Essays Before a Sonata, this thesis aims at discussing Ives’ music and thoughts by its first performance, its structure and the description. There are five chapters in this thesis. Chapter One and Chapter Five are Introduction and Conclusion respectively. Chapter Two based on the first performance of Concord Sonata by John Kirkpatrick, discusses the process of his playing this piece, the influences of his performance on Ives, his understanding and respects towards the composer, and the cause and contribution of his exerting himself to Ives then. Chapter Three focuses on the piece itself; from the literature, it discusses the composing time and the origin of its source material, and then analyses the theme and the structure. Chapter Four starts from the Transcendentalism, which influences Ives greatly, and the connection among this literary trend, the composer and the piece, and then discusses respectively the six parts of Essays Before a Sonata to explore the most deeply inner world of the composer.艾伍士康科德奏鳴曲超越主義寫在奏鳴曲之前科克派崔克Charles E. IvesPiano Sonata No. 2: ConcordMass.1840-1860TranscendentalismEssays Before a SonataJohn Kirkpatrick從《康科德奏鳴曲》探討艾伍士的音樂創作與思維