國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所謝建成丁依玲陳慧倫 2015-07-032015-07-032011-07-011608-5752http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73514網站資訊尋獲度意指網站被尋獲或瀏覽的品質、目標易於發現或查找的程度、以及支援導覽與檢索的程度。由於人們無法使用他無法找到的資訊,因此網站資訊尋獲度在現今網路環境中是較網站可用性更應被優先重視。依據研究與文獻分析發現,網站架構之資訊組織與分類標籤系統良莠與否,是提昇網站資訊尋獲度重要關鍵。本研究基於網站資訊架構之資訊組織與分類標籤,運用卡片分類技術解構大學圖書館網站所提供之資源與服務項目,再進一步利用叢集分析與因素分析演算法,重構大學圖書館網站資訊組織與分類標籤架構,並藉由圖書館網站使用者任務導向認知演練實驗評估比較,證實本研究方法所獲致之網站架構,確實是可以提升網站資訊尋獲度。Information findability of web sites discloses the quality of discovering and browsing capability, the facile degree of finding and seeking objects, and the supporting degree of navigating and indexing functions. People can not utilize the information that they can not find, thus the issues of information findability have become to be more important than those of usability. In this research, based on the investigation of information organization and catalog labels, we apply the card sorting to deconstruct items of services and resources provided by the studied university library web site. Then, by cluster and factor analysis methods, we reconstruct the library web sites with various information architectures and catalog labels. Using task-oriented cognitive walkthrough experiments, we have proved that the new rebuilt web sites can actually achieve superior information findability.網站資訊架構資訊尋獲度卡片分類法Web information architectureInformation findabilityCard sorting大學圖書館網站資訊尋獲度之研究Information Findability Study of University Library Web Sites�