葉國樑趙宏邦唐貺怡2014-10-272014-10-272000-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18075本研究主要目的在於調查台北地區居民之資源回收信念、意圖,及其影 響因素,並探討居民對政府資源回收車服務的滿意度,作為未來加強實施資源回 收工作和宣導教育的重要參考。依據台北市資源回收率及成長率高低的行政區, 選取600戶:而台北縣永和市和中和市,選出永和市兩個回收較好的里,以及捷運 站一頂溪、永安站附近居家,計200戶;中和市則選出四個回收較好的里,以及捷 運站一景安、南勢角站,計200戶。合計1000戶。調查結果如下:(1)受訪民眾得到 資源回收的訊息管道,主要來自傳播媒體;(2)七成左右受訪民眾的家庭有配合回 收車回收;(3)台北市受訪民眾之回收意圖高達七成五以上,台北縣中永和受訪民 眾之回收意圖比例較低;(4)資源回收的態度、主觀規範和知覺行為控制能直接影 響回收意圖;過去回收經驗、家中有就學人口也稍微會影響家中資源回收意圖;(5) 台北地區受訪民眾都有正向的資源回收信念、態度,而台北市受訪民眾比台北縣 中永和更為正向;沒有較多的回收點和沒有較多的回收次數,是阻礙部份受訪民 眾回收意圖的重要因素;(6)台北市受訪民眾對資源回收車的回收項目、服務態度 較滿意,但在回收次數和回收時間則抱持尚可接受的程度;台北縣中永和受訪民 眾則表現出較不滿意的看法;(7)台北市受訪民眾正確知道回收車每星期來的日子 之比例只有42,台北縣中永和之答對率更低至24.2;(8)台北地區里長在資源回收的 大部份信念與一般受訪民眾沒有差異。The main purpose of this study was to investigate the beliefs, attitude, behavioralintention, service satisfaction, and related influential factors of residents' resources recyclingin Taipei area( Taipei city & Taipei Hsein ). Also, this study was hoped to propose the way toimprove the problem of domestic solid waste. The sample was selected from the residents of Taipei area in terms of the levels ofvarious recycling rates. The method adopted in this study was questionnaire interview. Themain Findings of this study were : 1.Most of residents mainly acquired the information ofresources recycling through mass media. 2.The seventy percent of residents showed thebehavior and the experience of resources recycling. 3.Over seventy-five percent of residentsin Taipei city showed the behavioral intention for recycling, but the percentage of residentsin Taipei Hsein for recycling was lower. 4.The attitude, subjective norm, and perceivedbehavioral control could effectively predict the residents' intention of resources recycling.5.The residents of Taipei city showed more positive beliefs, attitude, service satisfaction, andintention of resources recycling than the residents of Taipei Hsein did. 6.The percentage ofthe residents of Taipei city correctly knowing the official date of recycling was more thanthat of residents of Taipei Hsein.臺北地區居民資源回收信念資源回收意圖Beliefs of resources recyclingBehavioral intention of resources recyclingResidents of Taipei area臺北地區居民資源回收信念與行為意圖研究The Study of Beliefs and Behavioral Intention of Resources Recycling Among Residents in Taipei Area