林子斌Lin, Tzu-Bin李奐穎Lee, Huan-Yin2019-08-282015-07-202019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060216001E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91180面臨十二年國教的改革浪潮之下,台灣的各級學校都需要做出適度的改變來因應這些挑戰。本研究旨在探討教師如何藉由特色課程發散教師領導影響力來觸發學校組織成員的改變,系統思考作為課程內容之外,亦是提供學校另一種思考取徑,以適應世界局勢的變遷並創造高競爭優勢的策略。本研究採個案研究試圖描繪教師領導發揮作用的過程,並輔以訪談、參與觀察及文件分析,以期能夠詳細記錄下教師服務領導發散影響力之過程。 根據個案研究的分析與發現,歸結出本研究的結論如下: 壹、教學年資與專業領導賦予教師領導之正當性 貳、教師領導需內部條件支持 參、分享促進頻繁地交流與情感凝聚的支持 肆、教師領導在特色課程影響力觸發教室內外的改變 伍、特色課程中教師領導影響力發散尚待解決人員面、結構面、技術面的障礙與挑戰 關鍵字:教師領導、特色課程、系統思考Taiwanese schools are facing a changing education landscape. The education extending compulsory education from nine years to twelve-year basic education pose challenges to schools in Taiwan. This study aims at exploring how the teachers in this study demonstrate leadership during development of featured curriculum. Systems thinking not only part of featured curriculum, but also provides school another path to adapt the changes in the world and to create high competitive strategies. This study applies case study as a research approach to investigate the process of how teacher leadership works in real-world setting. The findings of this study could offer a better explanation to how teacher leadership functions with the focus on effectiveness divergent through curriculum in senior high school. Date is from semi-structure interview, observation and document analysis. The major research results and conclusions are as follows: 1. The legitimacy of teacher leadership comes from years of experience in teaching and professional leadership. 2. Teacher leaders need school support to exert influence. 3. Through sharing sessions, teacher leaders trigger frequent interaction and provide emotional support. 4. Teacher Leadership trigger changes both inside and outside the classroom. 5. The challenges of teacher leadership include structure, technical, and personal aspects of difficulties. . Keywords: Teacher Leadership, featured curriculum, Systems thinking教師領導特色課程系統思考Teacher LeadershipFeatured curriculumsystems thinking教育的支點:一所高中特色課程發展中教師領導之探究A Fulcrum of Education: A Case Study on Teacher Leadership through the development of a high school featured curriculum