李珮琪Lee, Pei-Chi蘇琬玲Su, Wan-Lin2019-09-062015-09-012019-09-062015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060190042M%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108208戈登·雅各(Gordon Jacob, 1895-1984)為二十世紀的英國現代作曲家,作品種類非常豐富,包含管弦樂曲、協奏曲、合唱曲、室內樂、管樂合奏、電影配樂及芭蕾舞曲等。創作風格多元,傳統音樂與跨界音樂兼具,尤其受俄羅斯風格影響甚多,。 雅各從1934年專注於寫作雙簧管作品,包含兩首雙簧管協奏曲、一首雙簧管奏鳴曲、一首為雙簧管與大鍵琴的小奏鳴曲、一首雙簧管與弦樂四重奏,以及 一些為當代雙簧管演奏家或受人委託而寫。 本詮釋報告即是以〈一首為雙簧管與大鍵琴的小奏鳴曲〉為研究主題,共分為四章。一章為緒論,說明研究動機與方法;第二章為戈登·雅各的生平介紹,及樂曲的創作風格與手法,並將雅各的雙簧管作品種類依創作年代先後順序排列,做簡單的歸納整理;第三章為樂曲分析與詮釋,承第二章之內容,將作者生平與創作風格帶入樂曲架構與音型,進而提出筆者個人的詮釋觀點;第四章為結語。Gordon Jacob (1895-1984) was a composer in the twenty century. He had many kinds of compositions, including orchestrates, concertos, choirs, ensembles, wind music, movie music and ballet music. His works showed various styles, from traditional to crossover. Besides, many of them were especially inspired by Russia music. Jacob began to compose oboe music from 1934. In his life, he wrote 2 concertos, 1 Sonata for oboe and piano, 1 Sonatina for oboe and harpsichord, an oboe quartet and still some works for oboe players or delegators. This analysis and interpretation is themed with “Sonatina for oboe and harpsichord”. There are four chapters in this interpretation. The first chapter contained research motivation and purpose. Introduction for Jacob’s life is briefly described in the second chapter. The third chapter is the analysis and interpretation. In the last, the fourth chapter is the summary of the oboe sonatina.戈登‧雅各雙簧管小奏鳴曲二十世紀英國作曲家Gordon JacobOboe Sonatina20th century British composer戈登‧雅各《給雙簧管和大鍵琴的小奏鳴曲》之樂曲分析與演奏詮釋The Analysis and Interpretation of Gordon Jocob 《Sonatina for Oboe and Harpsichord》