張玉山Chang, Yu-Shan張庭綸Chang, Ting-Lung2023-12-082022-07-152023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c5d931fc0093e84025f50cd2682c2da0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120467本研究旨在應用設計思考融入於機器人教學,發展「START!智慧小車」教學方案,藉以探討融入設計思考的機器人教學課程設計與實施方式、分析融入設計思考的機器人教學課程會遭遇的困難與問題,以及探討融入設計思考的機器人教學課程對學生科技素養的影響,並根據研究結果研提相關建議。本研究採行動研究,以研究者任教的38位高中一年級學生為研究對象,進行16 節課,每節50分鐘的教學活動,課程實施中研究者藉由學習單、觀察紀錄、錄影、錄音、訪談紀錄及省思札記等方式,蒐集相關質性資料進行分析。本研究主要結論為:(1)以系統化的教學設計模式設計課程,並適當融入設計思考步驟;(2)融入設計思考的機器人教學課程實施宜強調提問,並提供足夠的實作教學示範;(3)課設計思考融入機器人教學的整套課程耗時,且進度易受學生先備知能影響;(4)設計思考融入機器人教學課程對學生科技素養中的科技知識、科技能力、科技技能及科技態度有正向影響。The purpose of the research was to integrate design thinking model into the robotics education and develop the lesson plan of “START!Smart Vehicle”. Through the research, the researcher explored the proper method to design a lesson of integrating design thinking model into the robotics education and analyzed the difficulties of integrating design thinking model into the robotics education. Also, the researcher explored how the lesson of integrating design thinking model into the robots education influenced students’ technological literacy. According to the results, the researcher made some suggestions.Action research was applied in this research process. The participants were 38 tenth-grade students. There were 16 periods of the lesson and each period was 50 minutes. Students’ worksheets, observations, video recordings, interview records and teaching-reflected diary were collected for qualitative analysis.The main results of this research were: (1) Teachers could use the instructional system design to develop the course, and integrate design thinking model properly. (2) When teaching the course, teachers could apply questioning strategies and provide enough demonstration of hands-on instruction. (3) Teaching the course of integrating design thinking model into the robotics education took lots of time, and the progress would be influenced by students’ prior knowledge. (4) The course of integrating design thinking model into the robotics education had a positive impact on students’ technology literacy such as technological knowledge, technology skills , technology competencies and attitudes toward technology.設計思考機器人教學科技素養行動研究Design ThinkingRobotics EducationTechnological LiteracyAction Research設計思考融入機器人教學之行動研究-以START!智慧小車為例An Action Research on Integrating Design Thinking Model into the Robots Education:The Lesson Plan of START!Smart Vehicleetd