方雅慧何青蓉2019-08-122019-08-122011-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81976農村的社區營造工作,長期被政策期待能夠扮演促進活化偏鄉的積極角色。面臨社區工作議題的多元複雜和方案資源的有限性,為了平衡資源與服務之間的落差,農村社區營造工作的社區組織乃發展跨組織間工作者的網絡連結與協作,做為永續推動社區營造的行動議程。本研究以長期從事民間推動社區營造的屏東縣為背景,探討女性社區工作者形成協作網絡之發展歷程,以及影響她們對於社群認同的因素。研究中討論女性社區工作者從個人超越朝向共同願景的軌跡。研究發現,個案藉由發展「實踐社群」的群體關係,組成了一個有社群意識的共學社群。研究結果也提出了女性社區工作者的個人動能、她們所構築的社群意識與特性,以及在社區學習網絡協作與共學歷程可能面對的挑戰。Community work has been long expected by policy makers to be an activator in improving rural areas. Despite complex community work and limited resources in community projects, community organizations try to develop cross-organization networking and collaboration to support the agendas of community work and to bridge the gap between resources and services. The background of the research is Ping Tung County, which has been promoting community empowerment for a long time. This research aims to explore the developing process of the learning network in the community, how the female community practitioners engage in social practices and what makes them identify themselves with the co-learning community. This research discusses how female community practitioners practiced networking and collaboration, as well as what they experienced during the co-learning process from personal mastery toward a shared vision of the community. The conclusion has proved that the key factor of promoting a sense of co-learning community can be realized through the relationship in “community of practices”. Such result also brings forward the potential of the female practitioners, their establishment of sense of community, and features and possible challenges in future development from the concrete collaboration and co-learning experiences in this community learning network.社群意識反省性實踐網絡連結與協作實踐社群sense of communityreflexive practicenetworking and collaborationcommunity of practice共學社群中女性社區工作者的經驗與實踐Female Community Workers' Experiences and Praxis in Co-learning Community