周愚文Chao, Yu-Wen陳俞志Chen, Yu-Chih2019-08-282015-08-252019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0897000041%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89689本研究旨在探究宋元時期閩北地區各類型教育的建置、發展及其與地方的社會、經濟及文化的互動情形。研究發現,宋代為閩北地區官學、書院與私學等各類型教育發展的關鍵時期。在發展重心上,北宋時以州縣學的發展為主,南宋至元則以書院發展為主。官學與私學之間的關係上,私學的設置,在量上是官學教育的補充,在質上則是對官學辦學形式的改善,官學成為南宋後期私學制度發展的重要借鑑,使私學設置漸於周備。學校教育的發展更是促成閩學學派形成的重要因素,以朱熹為首的閩學人物,借重以書院教育傳播理學,在教育的目的、教學方法、教學內容等方面提出新的思想;並透過書院會講、祭祀理學人物等活動,為理學的傳播開闢新方式。閩學人物以書院為陣地傳播理學,使得閩學與書院發展緊密結合,相互促進。此外,隨著各類教育規模的發展與擴大,士人、官員與家族將關注面向擴及地方社會,負擔起資助、救濟地方士人的社會責任,或協助地方維繫社會公益機制。The aims of this dissertation are to inquire the establishment and development of all kinds of educational institutions, and their interaction among the local economy, society and culture. It was found that Song dynasty was the critical period of the development of those educational institutions, including state schools, private schools, and academies. Most state schools were established in Northern Song. However, academies were developed from Southern Song to Yuan. As to the relationship between state and private schools, the latter was supplement to the former quantitatively, and the pattern of latter was the improvement of that of the former qualitatively. State schools were the important models to the system of the private schools in late Song. Moreover, the educational development was the main factor to promote the formation of Min School. Zhu Xi’s neo-Confucianism was transmitted by way of academy education. New ideas of educational aims, methods, and contents were claimed. Zhu Xi also organized lecture saloon and sacrifices as new ways to promote the development of academy education. The important figures of Min School used academies as bases to transmit neo-Confucianism, therefore the development of Min School and academies progressed together. Besides, with the expansion of the scale of education, local intellectuals, officials and families also developed some social functions and responsibilities to support other intellectuals, and public welfare.州縣學朱熹書院閩北閩學academyNorthern FujianPrefectural Schoolthe Min SchoolZhu Xi宋元時期閩北地區教育發展之研究A Study of Educational Development in Northern Fujian During the Song and Yuan Dynasties