程代勒Cheng, Tai-Le陳建宇Chen, Chien-Yu2020-12-10不公開2020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698600199%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115498  本研究以悲觀主義的角度審視筆者自身生活經歷和社會環境為出發點,探索當代社會中群眾內心痛苦之根源,透過對自身內在情緒的檢視及生命體驗的梳理,剖析人性的黑暗面與社會的現實面;試圖藉由對社會及人生深刻的再瞭解豐富自我創作之意涵,將對人生的感觸運用以景喻情的表現手法隱喻在創作中;並經由創作步驟的複雜化,實驗將不同質感之媒材共同組構,嘗試營造出多元視覺效果複合的創作新表現。   使人產生痛苦之因素十分複雜,隨個體之生活背景與成長經驗等諸多差異,所遭遇痛苦之來源也有所不同。文中以叔本華的理論為主軸,並輔以達爾文物競天擇說、馬斯洛的需求理論、宗教觀點和歷史事件,從命運、人性、幸福、現實和死亡五個面向延伸論述人生諸多苦難,回溯筆者自身成長之經歷和人生體悟並與之相互連結,深入瞭解人性之黑暗與社會之現實,以及人生的萬般無奈。   藝術家在醞釀其創作情緒與找尋創作靈感時,勢必會受到外在世界與內在情感之影響。因為藝術是以情感作為交流之手段,創作者藉由其作品建構出挑動觀賞者情緒之場域,直接或間接誘發觀賞者心靈內在的悸動,並在自身所經營的氛圍中闡述其生命之體悟與詮釋其人生之感觸。是故在研究較為陰鬱灰暗之作品時,不難發現藝術家在創作時,受到所處時空環境與文化背景的顯著影響。   探尋自身之情感,以雪鴞和月亮組構的失神月,做為貫穿此次創作之主軸,並以其為情緒投射之載體,延伸至古月照今城、落葉歸根、歲月.崩裂三系列之創作,傳達筆者自身對於人生和命運之體悟。在研究和創作的過程中釐清自身創作靈感之泉源與分析理念之傳遞與情緒之抒發是否確實表現於創作中,讓自身之創作思路更加明晰,並期許可透過作品與觀賞者產生對話與互動,讓未來在創作的發展上能有更明確之方向性。  From the pessimistic point of view, this study explores the root cause of people's mental suffering in modern society via the author's reflection of his life experiences and social environment. According to the survey of the author’s intrinsic emotions and life experiences, this study analyzes the negative human natures and the reality of society. The author attempts to enrich self-creation through understanding the society as well as his life, and embeds the feeling of life in his creation by the approach, interpreting emotions via depicting scenes. Through the complicated steps of creation, the author establishes different combinations of textural media and attempts to create a novel interpretation which composed diverse visual effects.   The reason for mental suffering is very complicated. The pains are also caused by different sources with different individual background and growth experiences. This study mainly relies on the Schopenhauer's theory as well as Darwin's Natural Selection, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, religious point of view and historical events to investigate the suffering of life from five aspects—destiny, humanity, happiness, reality and the death. Correlating them with the author’s growth experiences and self-awareness, this study deeply grasps the negative human natures, the reality of society, and the desperation in life.   When artists brew the feeling and seek the inspiration for creation, they are affected by the surroundings and their emotions. Because the art is an interaction based on emotions, creators construct their works by stirring up audiences' sentiments. They directly or indirectly leave their audiences motivated, and interpret the life experiences and feelings under the atmosphere they constructed. Therefore, when we study the more gloomy art works, it is not difficult to discover that artists’ creations are significantly affected by the eras, localities and cultural background.   To explore the author’s emotion, the main idea of this work—“Lunatic”—is composed of the Snowy Owl and the moon. The “Lunatic” reacts to the emotion and extends to the creation of three series—“ancient moon casts its light on the present city,” “falling leaves return to their roots,” and “years.collapse”—to convey the author's thoughts for life and destiny. During the research and creation processes, the author verifies whether the source of inspiration, the delivery of analytic concept, and the expression of emotion are embedded in the creation to clarify the thoughts for creation. Moreover, the author is looking forward to interact with audiences through the art works and obtain a more clear direction in the future creation.水墨失神月悲觀主義Ink PaintingLunaticPessimism失神月-陳建宇水墨創作論述Lunatic—The Description of Ink Painting Creation