沈六SHEN, LIU林昭妤Lin Chao-Yu2019-08-282011-7-282019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097073219%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88401  本研究旨在瞭解國中童軍團長專業角色知覺與生涯承諾之現況,並探討兩者之間的關係。主要研究目的如下。一、瞭解國民中學童軍團長專業角色知覺及生涯承諾之現況。二、分析不同個人特徵變項與學校背景變項的國中童軍團長,在專業角色知覺及生涯承諾上之差異。三、探討國中童軍團長專業角色知覺與生涯承諾之關係 根據上述目的,發展本研究之待答問題、假設。研究方法上,本研究採用問卷調查方法蒐集資料,採分層立意取樣,以九十九學年度服務於公立國中之童軍團長為研究對象,使用研究者改編之「國中童軍團長專業角色知覺量表、」「生涯承諾量表」做為研究工具,共獲得有效問卷238份,再將蒐集之資料以「描述統計」、「t考驗」、「單因子變異數分析」、「Pearson 積差相關」、等資料處理來考驗各項假設,並逐一分析各項結果,獲致下列結論: 一、 國中童軍團長專業角色知覺程度屬優程度,其中以「專業知能」層面程度最高。 二、 國中童軍團長因不同性別、年齡、專業程度與服務年資,其專業角色知覺分別有差異,但兼任不同職務以及學校地區不同者則無差異。 三、 國中童軍團長生涯承諾的程度屬良程度,其中以「生涯投入」層面程度最高。 四、 國中童軍團長因不同性別、年齡、專業程度、服務年資與學校地區,其生涯承諾分別有差異,但兼任不同職務則無差異。 五、 國中童軍團長專業角色知覺與生涯承諾兩者之間呈現顯著中至高度正相關。 最後,本研究依據上述之研究結果,分別對教育行政機關及學校行政、國中童軍團長及後續研究提出建議,以供教育輔導或未來研究之參考。The purpose of this study was to identify the study of the relationship between perceptions of the professional role and career commitment of junior high school scout-masters’ , and investigate the relationships. The major purposes of the study included: 1. Understanding the situation of scout-masters’perceptions of professional role and career commitment; 2. Understanding their differences on different backgrounds of the scout-master. ; 3.Inquiring their relationships. This research in nature was a quantitative study, mainly based on the questionnaire survey.“ The Junior High School Scout-masters' Professional Role and Career Commitment Questionnaire” was used. In this study, the samples were 238 scout-masters in Taiwan. After gathering the data,this study used t-test, oneway-ANOVA, canonical and Pearson’sproduct-moment correlation analysis to analyze the data. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. The scout-masters’ perceptions of professional role was high level.The professional knowledge and ability was the highest among them. 2. The scout-masters’ perceptions of the professional role that scout-masters ' sex , that differed from different scout-masters' age and teaching year and educational background made difference; the appointment of school and that schools' location of different made no difference. 3. The scout-masters’ career commitment was mid- high level. The profession investment was the highest among them. 4. The scout-masters’ career commitment that scout-masters ' sex , that differed from different scout-masters' age and teaching year and educational background and that schools' location of different made difference; the appointment of school made no difference. 5. There was mid-high positive correlation between perceptions of the professional role and career commitment of junior high school scout-masters. According to the conclusions, this study provided some recommendations to education and school administration authorities and junior high school scout-masters.童軍團長專業角色知覺生涯承諾scout-mastersperceptions of professional rolecareer commitment國民中學童軍團長專業角色知覺與生涯承諾之研究A study of Scout-masters' Perception of the Professional Role and Career Commitment in junior high schools