王華沛李淑貞王智仁WANG,JHIH-REN2019-08-282018-2-272019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698170015%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89399本研究探討視覺障礙者職務再設計需求,建立需求初篩表為目的,主要希望是發掘並系統化視覺障礙者的職務再設計需求,協助視覺障礙者、公司企業用人單位、職業重建專業人員了解與釐清困難及障礙狀態,方便連結介入職務再設計服務。然視覺障礙者的工作問題與困難涵蓋的層面非常多元,在建構初篩表的前期,除彙集整理視覺障礙者的就業困難與需求,亦探討其與職務再設計之間的關聯性。而初篩表的建構的過程,經由專家意見的調查以確立初篩表的專家效度。當初篩表修改達成專家共識後,研究者將初篩表實際進行個案試評,以瞭解實際使用者對於此工具的反應與回饋。 視覺障礙者的工作困難與需求面向一定會隨著社會的變動不斷的改變或增加,在職場環境不斷變化時,需要職務再設計來突破職業重建服務的僵局,讓需求端與服務供給端無礙連結。產出真正能應用在職業重建中,發掘視覺障礙者職務再設計需求的實用工具是本研究最終的目標。The aims of this study were to investigate the needs of job accommodation and to establish an initial evaluation form for people with visual impairments. The goal of this study was to reveal lacks of job accommodation services in current system; and further, was to assist employees with visual impairments, employers, and vocational rehabilitation professionals in understanding and clarifying the limitations in relation to job accommodation services. In terms of work performance of people with visual impairments, the limitations and difficulties are multivariate. In the pre-phase of establishing the initial evaluation form, data collection including limitations and needs were investigated as well as the relations to job accommodation. Delphi method was used in decision-making process from opinions of experts during establishing of the initial evaluation form. After ensured the validity of the initial evaluation form, the investigator conducted trial evaluations on 5 subjects to gather their replies and feedback. The limitations and needs of employees with visual impairments would vary alone with social dynamics. As environment changes, job accommodation would be needed as an icebreaker in terms of providing seamless services for vocational rehabilitation providers and clients who are in need. The ultimate goal of this study would be establish a practical tool for assessing the needs of job accommodation for people with visual impairments and apply it in vocational rehabilitation services.職務再設計輔助科技職業重建視覺障礙需求初篩建置視覺障礙者職務再設計需求初篩表The establishment of an initial evaluation form for assessing the needs of job accommodation for people with visual impairments