林建福梁世婷2019-08-282008-7-172019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694000274%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90099本論文旨在論述Spinoza之情緒理論,並透過與近代四種情緒理論的比較以彰顯出其學說之特色,接著經由上述闡釋來開展情緒教育的論述。 本論文採用觀念分析法、詮釋學方法及歷史研究法。至於研究步驟首先探討Spinoza的情緒概念之思想源流,以此作為鋪陳其情緒論述的先導。第二,深入論述Spinoza的情緒觀點以及轉化被動情緒的方法。第三,透過比較近代情緒理論的方式,以豐富Spinoza情緒理論的面貌。最末,根據研究結果,提出對情緒教育的建議。 本論文之研究結果如下: 壹、Spinoza的哲學受到諸多哲學家的影響。尤其他藉由批評Descartes身心二元論的方式,構築了其獨特的身心同一論,並以此貫串情緒理論。 貳、Spinoza詳盡說明情緒的起源、性質與分類,並論及人類受被動情緒所束縛的狀態,由是開展以知識論的途徑來轉化被動情緒的五種方式。 參、Spinoza主張最上乘的控制被動情緒之策略,即是以具備主動情緒來克制被動情緒。此外,知識必須被當成是情緒,才能用來克制被動情緒。 肆、Spinoza情緒理論為雖可歸類為情緒認知理論,但其所指的情緒卻涉及多重內涵,亦即情緒不僅帶有認知,更兼具感受、動機、和評價。 伍、Spinoza情緒理論對情緒教育極具價值。教育者應開展受教者的理性心靈,並協助受教者擺脫被動情緒的纏繞。 陸、Spinoza情緒理論可衍伸出四種情緒教育的作法,換言之,即是培養理性認識能力、具備正確的情緒歸因、陶養主動情緒以及以情緒克制情緒。This thesis aims at making a description of Spinoza’s theory of emotion, and revealing the uniqueness of this theory by comparing it with four modern emotional theories. Further insights of emotional education are derived from the above analysis. Idea analysis, hermeneutics and historical research are used. The procedures begin with discussing the origin and development of Spinoza’s theory of emotion. Secondly, the researcher expounds Spinoza’s viewpoint on emotion and the methods for converting the passions. Thirdly, Spinoza’s emotional theory is enriched by the comparison of Spinoza and modern emotional theories. Finally, according to the findings, the research brings up some suggestions for emotional education. The findings of this thesis are as follows: Firstly, several philosophers exert a influence on Spinoza’s philosophy. Especially based on criticizing Descartes’ mind-body dualism, Spinoza asserts his own theory of emotion by peculiar psycho-physical identity. Secondly, Spinoza describes the origin, nature and classifications of emotions exhaustively, and depicts the human bondage of the passions, then derives five strategies of transforming the passions through epistemology. Thirdly, Spinoza pronounces that it is the best way to control the passions by means of the active emotions. As soon as knowledge is regarded as emotion, in addition, the passions can be under control. Fourthly, Spinoza’s theory of emotion is labeled as the cognitive theory of emotion, but the conception of emotions covers a wide range of significance including cognition, feeling, motivation and appraisal. Fifthly, emotional education draws inspiration from Spinoza’s emotional theory. Teachers have to lead out students’ rational mind, and assist them in getting rid of the passions. Finally, four methods of emotional education are obtained from Spinoza’s theory of emotion. In other words, they involve developing rational cognition ability, possessing correct emotion attribution, cultivating active emotions and utilizing one emotion to control the other emotion.斯賓諾莎情緒情緒教育Spinozaemotionemotional education斯賓諾莎(Benedict de Spinoza)情緒理論及其在情緒教育上之蘊義Spinoza's theory of emotion and the implications in emotional education