國立臺灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系周維萱黃桂芝林安邦黃城2014-12-022014-12-022011-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/41987本研究旨在探討世界咖啡館學習方案融入公民教育-大學通識課程之成效。本研究 將比較該學習方案介入前後對於大學生公民參與態度之差異。研究者將使用世界咖啡館 公共議題討論模式當成教學策略及介入工具,將其融入大學通識課程中,藉以了解大學 生公民參與態度之改變。 本研究採量性輔質性進行研究。設計18 周世界咖啡館融入本人開設之通識課程 中,共進行8 次世界咖啡館運作,每次240 分鐘。開設兩班通識課程,一班(50 位)為 實驗組,使用世界咖啡館討論模式進行課程,一班(50 位)為對照組使用一般普遍的教 學模式(不使用咖啡館討論)。本研究將進行18 周持續性實驗教學。過程及結果隨時使 用電腦紀錄。 本研究之研究資料來源:量性資料來自於公民參與態度問卷,質性資料來自於學生 訪談、焦點團體、每周的學習反思日誌及教師的觀察日誌。透過此研究模式及資料分析 藉以達成本研究之目的:透過世界咖啡館融入公民教育之通識課程來提升大學生公共參 與態度之成效。The aim of this research was to explore the performance of the World Café integrated into civil education in the university. This research is to compare the students’ attitude of Citizen participated between theWorld Café integrated into teaching process. A researcher used the World Café as teaching strategy and adequately applied the discussion model into General curriculum in university to explore and understand the changes of students’ attitude of Citizen participated. This research adopted triangulation study. The study designed and implemented a 18-week General curriculum for the 100 students in the researcher’s class.One class (50 students) was used as the experimental group and received the World Café integrated teaching .The other class (50 students) was designated as the controlled group and receive the conventional teaching model. We carried on an 18-week of experimented teaching .The study process and the result were recorded with the computers . The data of the research came from questionnaires, the record of the interviews and learning portfolios from students, the reflective journals from the teachers. The goal was to form its own research outline according to the result of the data analysis through survey.世界咖啡館公民教育大學生公民參與態度the World Caf&eacutecivil educationstudents' attitude of Citizen participated世界咖啡館融入公民教育The World Caf� Integrated into Civil Education大學通識課程之成效探究The Performance of General Education in the University