國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所邱貴發2014-10-302014-10-301999-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34266研究目的在於發展可給資訊實習教師使用的線上討論系統及建立可用來輔導資訊實習教師的線上討論模式。在討論系統部分,我們發展了STNet (Student Teacher Network);在討論模式部分,我們採取interns, facilitators,mentors三方合作的方式。研究結果顯示,討論系統雖然可以使用,但功能仍需重新規劃;線上討論模式沒有成型,需進一步研究;另外,我們也了解到我們需要研究出一套我們自己的線上分析工具,以協助分析討論系統中的討論內容。這個計畫兼具論文發表性(可發表論文)、實用性(可用在實習教師輔導)、及產品性(有一套系統),是個值得繼續的計畫。The goals of this study were to develop an online discussion system and to find a model for online discussion activities for the purpose of enhancing the CS/IT interns' knowledge about CS/IT subject matter, teaching and classroom management. STNet was developed. A closed discussion community composed by mentors, teaching interns and facilitators was formed. After six months' trial we found that the STNet needs a new function specification, the model of online discussion needs further clarification, and we need our own content analysis tools and techniques. We do believe this project has a good research vision and it might be a good thought to support the further researches.遠距輔導教育實習遠距學習師資培育資訊教育實習教師電腦輔助學習Distance supervisionEducation practicumDistance learningTeacher preparationInformation educationPractice teacherComputer assisted learning (CAL)資訊實習教師遠距輔導研究---總計畫(II)Network-Supported Teleguidance for CS/IF Teaching Interns (II)