于富雲陳玉欣Fu-Yun YuYu-Shin Chen2014-10-272014-10-272008-02-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11399本研究主要目的有三,一為探討概念構圖學習策略對學習者認知策略、後設認知策略與學業成就的影響,二為探討概念構圖對高、低不同空間能力學習者之認知策略、後設認知策略與學業成就的影響,三為瞭解參與學員對概念構圍之看法。研究主要採不等組控制組實驗法,以台商市一國小四年級四個班級學生為研究對象,進行連續七週的實驗教學。單因子共變數資料分析發現:概念組在認知策略、後設認知策略表現上顯著優於控制組。三因子共變數分析發現:概念構圖組、控制組與空間能力高、低組在認知策略、後設認知策略或學業成就上則無交互作用存在。概念構圖組學習者整體t對所採用的學習策略持顯著正面的看法。文末,根據結果提供教學與未來研究建議。The purposes of this study are three-fold: (1) to examine the effects of concept-mapping on students' cognitive and metacognitive strategies and science academic performance; (2) to investigate the interaction effects between the concept-mapping learning strategy and students' spatial ability; and (3) to understand students' attitudes towards the adopted strategy. A non-equivalent control-group experimental research design was used. Four classes of fourth-graders participated in the study for the support of their science learning for seven consecutive weeks. One-way ANCOVA found a statistically significant effect of concept-mapping on students' cognitive and metacognitive strategies as compared to the traditional teaching approach. Twoway ANCOVA, however, found no significant interaction effects between concept-mapping and students' spatial ability on science performance, cognitive or metacognitive strategies. Finally, students participating in concept-mapping learning activity expressed significantly positive attitudes toward the introduced learning strategy. Suggestions for classroom teachers and future studies were proposed空間能力後設認知策略概念構圖認知策略cognitive strategyconcept-mappingmetacognitive strategyspatial ability概念構圖對不同空間能力之國小學童自然科學習成效的影響The Effects of Concept-Mapping Learning Strategy and Spatial Ability on Elementary Students' Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies and Science Academic Performance