張明輝陳月華2019-08-282005-7-122019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069216004%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91149摘 要 本研究旨在探討台北縣國民小學學校成員在參與學校行政決定過程中,其角色知覺、參與程度與學校決策效能之關係。本研究之目的為:一、瞭解目前國民小學參與式行政決定運作之現況。二、探討不同背景學校成員與國民小學參與式行政決定運作的關係。三、探討國民小學學校成員之角色知覺、參與程度與學校決策效能之關係。四、根據研究結論,提出提升國民小學參與式行政決定運作之建議,供作有關單位及人員之參考。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,首先,蒐集與研讀相關文獻,建立本研究的理論架構,編製「國民小學參與式行政決定調查問卷」,作為調查研究工具。在實徵研究中以台北縣公立國民小學為研究母群體,採「階段式抽樣」方式,抽取34所國民小學,共688位校長、主任或組長、級任、科任教師以及家長代表做為受試樣本,回收問卷計470份,問卷回收率達68.31%,剔除填答不全等無效問卷後,有效問卷為453份,有效問卷回收率為65.84%。本研究資料處理採用SPSS 11.5 for Windows 統計套裝軟體進行資料登錄與分析。 綜合文獻探討與調查研究發現,獲得下列十一項結論: 一、整體而言,國民小學參與式行政決定之運作符合民主參與以及民主 決策原則。 二、國民小學參與式行政決定的相關會議,其參與比率以校務會議為最高,與學生權益有關會議之參與比率為最低。 三、不同個人背景變項學校成員之角色知覺、參與程度與決策效能有顯 著差異。 四、不同學校變項學校成員之角色知覺、參與程度與決策效能無顯著差異。 五、學校成員在參與式行政決定中的角色知覺以及參與程度尚稱良好,但成員的參與意願仍有加強的空間。 六、家長代表在參與式行政決定中的角色最積極卻也最弱勢。 七、國民小學參與式行政決定之決策效能尚稱良好,但仍有加強與促進的空間。 八、學校實施參與式行政決定對於決策創造力的激發並不理想。 九、學校成員的角色知覺愈高,對參與式行政決定之決策效能整體及各向度的評量也愈高。 十、學校成員的參與程度對決策效能整體及各向度的評量之相關度並不高。 十一、國民小學參與式行政決定的主要困難與限制為「會議太多,造成學校成員的負擔」、「決策過程緩慢費時」以及「對參與的會議所獲得的資訊不足」。 根據本研究所獲之結論,研究者針對教育行政主管機關、學校單位、家長以及未來研究者提出相關建議,如下: 一、對教育行政主管機關的建議 (一)精簡參與式行政決定的相關會議,授權學校自主。 (二)增加國民小學員額編制與組織彈性。 (三)增加家長參與學校行政決定的空間。 二、對學校的建議 (一)對校長的建議 1.有效掌握會議目標與效率。 2.彈性運用參與的會議,避免會議太多的負擔。 3.提昇教師參與的意願,尊重多元並調和教師與行政間的對立。 4.鼓勵年輕教師提供意見,激發決策的創造力。 5.落實攸關學生權益的相關會議。 (二)對學校行政人員的建議 1.針對議題充分溝通、詳細規劃與統整。 2.實施行政工作輪調制度,建立知識分享的平台。 3.建立與教師以及家長的互動互信機制。 4.提供必要資訊,使參與會議成員掌握明確的訊息。 5.選擇適當的會議時間,提高家長代表的與會機率。 (三)對教師的建議 1.主動進修,提昇參與學校行政決定的知能。 2.積極參與,展現教學專業與維護學生權益。 3.女性教師應提昇自我角色地位,更加主動積極參與學校行政 決定。 三、對家長的建議 (一)強化家長參與學校行政決定之正確知能與觀念宣導。 (二)督促教育行政主管機關修法維護家長參與的機會與公平性。 (三)健全家長會的組織運作,擴大家長代表的參與層面。 四、對未來研究的建議 擴展為長期性教育決策效能之研究,針對女性學校成員作深入的探究,並輔以質性研究方法,以補本研究之不足。 關鍵字:參與式行政決定、角色知覺、決策效能Abstract The objectives of this research are: 1.to find out the operation status of participatory decision-making of elementary schools in Taipei County; 2.to explore the involved condition of different school partners in participatory decision-making; 3.to explore the relationships among school partners’ role perception, participatory degree and decision effectiveness; and 4.to render suggestions for improving participatory decision-making of elementary schools. The method adopted for the research was questionnaire survey. Based on the results drawn from the literature review, a questionnaire named "The questionnaire for participatory decision-making of elementary schools "was developed. Questionnaires were delivered to 34 elementary schools in Taipei County by multistage sampling. 453 of the 688 questionnaires sent out were effective. The statistics software tool used for the questionnaire analysis was the SPSS for Windows version 11.5. The conclusions derived from the literature review and the questionnaire survey in the participatory decision-making are as follows: 1. Generally speaking, the participatory decision-making of elementary schools is compliant with democracy principle. 2. In elementary schools, the highest participatory ratio conference was periodic faculty meetings; and the lowest participatory ratio conference was student rights meetings. 3. School partners’ role perception, participatory degree and decision effectiveness varies significantly with different personal backgrounds. 4. School partners’ role perception, participatory degree and decision effectiveness shows no significance with different school backgrounds. 5. School partners’ participatory desire has to be improved. 6. Parents function is the most positive yet the most weakness. 7. There lies space for elementary schools to improve decision effectiveness. 8. The excitation of decision creativity shows insufficient. 9. School partners’ role perception and decision effectiveness are closely related. 10. The participatory degree and decision effectiveness are related but not closely. 11. The straits of participatory decision-making are "too many meetings becoming school partners’ burden", "the process of decision-making waste of colossal time", and "the inadequate information of meetings ". According to the results of the study, following propositions are rendered: 1. For educational authorities, they should: simplify the participatory decision-making conferences and empower school autonomy; increase elementary schools’ manpower and organizational flexibility; increase participatory opportunity of parents. 2. For elementary schools, there are three aspects: (1) For school principals, they should: control the issue and time efficiently; avoid too many meetings; increase teachers’ participatory desire; encourage younger teacher to express opinions to improve decision creativity; and decide in advance the meetings of student rights. (2) For school staffs, they should: enhance communication, planning, and integration the opinions of school partners; take turns in the jobs and establish knowledge sharing channels; build trust mechanism between teachers and parents; provide adequately information of meetings; and select properly meeting time for parent participators. (3) For school teachers, they should: engage in advanced studies; actively participate in school decision-making; and female teachers should improve self role perception. 3. For parents, they should: enhance their participatory intellectual; supervise and urge educational authorities to revise the regulations; and strengthen the organization of parents. 4. For further researchers, they may: expand a long term theme study; progress on female school partners study and use a qualitative research. Keywords: participatory decision-making 、role perception 、decision effectiveness參與式行政決定角色知覺決策效能participatory decision-makingrole perceptiondecision effectiveness台北縣國民小學參與式行政決定及其決策效能之研究